21st Century Timeline

  • 9/11

    America was under attack. Al Qaeda, a terrorist group, flew two jumbo jets into the World Trade Center killing almost 3,000 people. Significance: 9/11 showed Americas perseverance, love for each other, and that if you knock us down we will rise up twice as high. Spencer Platt/Getty Images FILE
  • US invades Iraq

    US invades Iraq
    The US invades Iraq and starts war because of WMD and was a treat to us. While also getting retribution for 9/11.
    Significance: The war ended the rule of Saddam, organized terrorist.
    Image: National Army Museum
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    A category five hurricane on the Gulf Coast. Having a total damages cost >100 billion dollars and 1,500 people lives.
    Significance: America once again shows how much people can help each other and that we can do for people who are in need. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellite image of Hurricane Katrina, taken on August 28, 2005.
  • Same Sex Marriage

    Same Sex Marriage
    Whether you agree or disagree with same sex marriage this was a step towards equality. Same sex marriage became legal across the country in 2015, ten years after Canada.
    Significance: Being able to marry who you want to marry gives rights to people.
  • Covid-19

    In 2019 an unknown virus was being spread around starting in Wuhan, China. January 18 was when the virus was first found in the US. After months/years of quarantine life slowly is going back to normal.
    Significant: The Covid vaccine is the fastest to even be made and approved.
    Image: Henry Ford Health