
The Revolutionary War

  • Martha Custis Washington

    Martha Custis Washington
    Martha Custis Washington was the wife of George Washington and the first 1st lady of America.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris officially marked the end of the French and Indian War. It gave almost all of North America to the British.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    It was a line that England drew that said that nobody could settle past the line. The proclamation cause some tension between the colonies and England which may have led to the Revolutionary War.
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary War

  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act was a tax imposed by the British onto the colonists in order to help pay for soldiers deployed in North America. The stamp act enraged colonists, and helped lead the way to the Revolutionary War.
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    George Washington was the 1st president of the United States and the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. Without him the colonists may not have won the war because he had great strategical abilities and was crucial for the colonists.
  • Quartering Act

    The quartering act was a law passed by England that forced colonists to provide food and shelter to British soldiers. It caused lots of tension between the colonists and England.
  • Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts were a bunch of acts that were passed by British parliament that showed the colonists that the British had complete control over the colonies. The Townshend Acts lead to violence across the colonies, including the Boston Massacre.
  • Hessians

    The Hessians were German soldiers who were allied with the British and fought against the colonists.
  • Sam Adams

    Sam Adams
    Sam Adams was a founding father of the US and one of the leaders in the American Revolution. He helped shape American democracy and was key to the success of the US.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was when British soldiers killed 5 citisens on the streets of Boston. The citisens were armless, and the Boston Massacre was a landmark in the Revolutionary War.
  • John Adams

    John Adams
    John Adams was a founding father of the US and the second president. He helped shape the US.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was a non-violent protest by the cololnist where they threw lots of extremely expensive tea overboard. The protest was a result from a tax imposed by the British on tea. The Boston Tea Party would become a milestone in the creation of America.
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    The Sons of Liberty were a group of patriots who took a stand againts British cruelty. They were the ones who were responsible for the Boston Tea Party as well as other protests.
  • Lord Cornwallis

    Lord Cornwallis
    Lord Cornwallis was a leader for the British in colonial America. He was responsible for military strategy and the main commander of the British army in America.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson was an American founding father and critical in the shaping of the US.
  • Loyalists

    The Loyalists were a group of colonists who remained faithful to the British all the way the the Revolution.
  • 1st Continental Congress

    The 1st Continental Congress was the first meeting of the colonies (excluding Georgia) in response to the Intolerable Acts. It was the first event that would lead to the American Revolution and the United States of America.
  • Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts were group of laws bassed by British parliament that stripped many rights from the colonists. It played a major role in the Revolutionary War.
  • Paul Revere

    Paul Revere
    Paul Revere was an early patriot during the Revolutionary War. He is most famous for alerting the colonial militia of the incoming British soldiers.
  • Lexington and Concord

    The battle of Lexington and Concord was the first battle in the Revolutionary War. It marked the beginning of the war.
  • Abigail Adams

    Abigail Adams
    Abigail Adams was the wife of John Adams.
  • Thomas Paine

    Thomas Paine
    Thomas Paine was writer who wrote a paper that encouraged the colonists to declare independence. He was a crucial person in the beginning of the Revolutionary War.
  • The Decleration of Independence

    The Decleration of Independence
    The Decleration of Independence stated that the colonies became their own country. This new country would be called the United States of America
  • Patriots

    The Patriots were the colonists who were fighting for independence. They won the war in the end and started the United States of America.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle of Saratoga was a battle fought between the colonists and the British. It is considered a turning point in the Revolutionary war, and gave a slight advantage to the colonists.
  • Benedict Arnold

    Benedict Arnold
    Benedict Arnold was an american general who switched to the British side after a plan was revealed he switched to the British. He almost lost the war for the colinists because he was going to surrender a key fort to the british.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle in the Revolutionary War. The colonists won the battle and as a result, the British negotiated to end the war.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris was a treaty between England and what is now the United States of America. It officially ended the Revolutionary War and gave land to the US.