Rev falg

The Revolutionary War

  • France joined the Patriots side

    France joined the Patriots side
    In 1778 France joined the Patriots side they sent money, troops and a navy.
  • Delagates from 9 colonies.

    Delagates from 9 colonies.
    On October 1765 Delagates from 9 colonies met in New York to talk about Stamp Act. Source:Liberty Or Death pg.5
  • December 16 1773

    December 16 1773
    Angry Patriots dressed as Mohak Indians dumped 342 crates of tea into Boston Harbor.This was called The Boston Tea Party.
  • The British go to the Boston Harbor

    Parliament passed new laws designes to govern the colonies more strictly than ever. To punish further , British warshipes on June 1 1774.
    Source:Liberty how the war began.
  • Men From The Colonies Met Together In Carpenters

    Men From The Colonies Met Together In Carpenters
    In September 1774 in the Hall in Philadelphia men from the colonies went together in carpenters. Source:Imagine It pg 235
  • The Declaration Of Indenpendence

    The Declaration Of Indenpendence
    The Contenintal Congress signed the Declaration Of Indenpendence. Source:Imagine It pg.230
  • British Soldiers

    British Soldiers
    On April 19,1779 British soldiers aprroched Lexigton about one hundread milliatmen including minutemen gathered on the village green with a leader Captain John Parker.This occored by Paul Rever told the village. Source:Liberty or Death pg12
  • George Washigton became the first president

    George Washigton became the first president
    George Washigton became the first president of the United States.