
The renaissance

  • Jan 1, 1450

    Gutenberg invents printing press

    Gutenberg invents printing press
    The reason he created the printing press was so the poor could have books.But while he was creating it he hid in his "lab".he made moldes of the letters and then covered them with ink and printed.Although it took him years to create his invition he finally came out with success.
  • Jan 1, 1503

    Lorenzo de medici becomes the heads of florence

    Lorenzo de medici becomes the heads of florence
    The story behind lorenzo medici is that in as little as two weeks.He was promoted to higher rankings.Then again later on he became the the supreme duke of all of Florence.So thats the story of how lorenzo became the head of Florence.
  • Jan 1, 1503

    Henry vii becomes king of england (house of tudor)

    Henry vii becomes king of england (house of tudor)
    some people say that It was miracle that Henry became the king his dad died two months earlier.