Panama canal gatun locks opening

The Panama Canal

By bneff18
  • Trying to Persuade Columbia into Rent

    Trying to Persuade Columbia into Rent
    In 1902 President Roosevelt offered Columbia $10 million in cash, and $250,000 yearly in rent to allow the U.S. to build a canal throughout Panama. Many Colombians did not approve of this because it would give U.S. permanent control over a 6- mile range of Colombia. On June 19, 1902 the spooner bill was passed.
  • The Revolt of Panama

    The Revolt of Panama
    On November 3, 1903 The Panama nation was born. U.S. waited in the harbor to protect the rebles during this revolt so that Columbians could not get to Panama city. This revolution was to help Panama get its independence from Columbia.
  • revolution

    On November 6, 1903 a Frenchman who was apart of Panama signed a treaty giving the U.S. permenant use and contrl over a 1o mile wide zone across the Isthmus of Panama.
  • The building begins

    The building begins
    The building of the canal had begun, U.S. had bought $40 million worth of land. Ferdinand de Lesseps led a prodject that he estimated was going to take twelve years. Teddy Roosevelt had a saying for all the builders which was "make the dirt fly."
  • Danger for workers

    Danger for workers
    Many workers died of dieseas, and accedents during building. Over 6,000 men died during this time. Some workers quit until deseas and other problems were resolved.
  • The struggle of Panama

    The struggle of Panama
    There were many consequences for new workers in Panama auch as, mosquitos, malaria, and yellow feaver. Yellow feaver was the most popular struggle for the Americans, many cought the desiease and it almost always lead to death. Dr. Goras worked for months trying to find a cure for the desies, and when he found out it was the mosquitos causing it, he got President Roosevelts permition to exterminate all mosquitos in Panama. This helped lessen the spread of yellow feaver.
  • The opening of the canal

    The opening of the canal
    Panama Canal
    The panama canal was opened on August 15, 1914. Now U.S. and other countries wouldnt have to goall the way around North America.The canal had been finished six months ahead of schedual, and now the Pacific, and Atlantic oceans were joined.