English Language Development Through the Years.

  • 1385 BCE

    English - Language for Schools

    English becomes a language for all instructors in schools.
  • 1362 BCE

    The Statute of Pleading

    Made English the official language of the courts and Parliament was adopted.
  • Period: 1349 BCE to 1350 BCE

    The Black Death

    Killed about a third of the English population.
  • Period: 1337 BCE to 1453 BCE

    The Hundred Year War

    had an efect of branding French as the language of the enemy and status of English rose as a consequence.
  • Period: 1301 BCE to 1400 BCE

    English - Language of the pesants.

    English was the language of the Uneducated pesantry many of the gramatical complexities and inflectiosn of Old English gradually disapeared.
  • 1209 BCE

    Cambridge University was Founded

  • 1167 BCE

    Oxfor University Founded

  • 1154 BCE

    Anglo - Saxon Chronicle

    After being written for centuries recording the history of English people, this year his last entry was written.
  • 866

    Vikings settled in northern France

    The Normans are decendants of the vikings, the word norman comes originally from Norseman.
  • 1066

    Norman Conquest

    by William the Conqueror - Duque of Normandy and later named William I of England,
  • Period: 1150 to 1200

    French words are adopted to the language

    During the regn of the Norman King Henry II and his queen Eleanor, (the 2nd half of the 12th Century). Francien words from central France were inported in additon to their Anglo-Norman Counterpart. d
  • Period: 1201 to 1300

    English Suffers Many Changes

    Words acquiered subtle diferences in meaning adding to the precision and flexibiliti of the English language.
  • 1204

    Norman Invasion of Britain

    King John and England lost the French part of Normandy to the King of France.
  • Period: 1204 to 1504

    Anglo-Norman French oficial language of Kings and Nobility

    For 300 years Anglo-Norman French was the langauage of Kings and nobility of England. Also Orm started spelling words exactly as pronounced. used double consonants to indicate a short precedint vowel, three separte symbols to differentiate the sounds of the Old English letter yough, used the modern word "wh" for the old-style "hw" and Sh" for "sc", created a new and unusual phonetic spelling system.
  • Period: 1301 to 1400

    French Words Keep becoming part of the language

    Words like abbey, alliance, attire, defend.. French words continue to stream into English at an increacing pace with more Frech additions recorded.
  • 1399

    First King Speaks English

    Henry IV, Who came to the English throne, and whose mother tongue was English., and during this time, Anglo-Norman was the verbal language, however Latin was used for written documentation.