New deal

The New Deal Programs

  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    Also known as "Black Tuesday" the stock market crash in 1929 was triggered when 16 million shares were traded on the stock market in one day. Black Tuesday then sent the economy spiraling down into a depression like no other.
  • President FDR was Inaugurated

    President FDR was Inaugurated
    Elected in November 1932, President Franklin D. Roosevelt took the position as the 32nd President of the United Stated, taking on the hardships of the Great Depression.
  • Bank Holiday

    Bank Holiday
    FDR issues a four-day bank holiday: stopping all withdrawals and transactions with ALL banks in America for four days in order to sort out the problems created by the great depression.
  • National Recovery Administration

    National Recovery Administration
    Eliminates "cutthroat competition" by bringing industry, labor and government together to create fare practices and set prices.
  • Fireside Chat

    Fireside Chat
    FDR gives his first fireside chat to the American people via radio airwaves. He discusses the new deal and how it will bring jobs to those who need them
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    Civilian Conservation Corps
    The CCC employed young, single men willing to work for a decent pay. The CCC planted trees, constructed roads and buildings in remote areas
  • Federal Emergency Relief Act

    Federal Emergency Relief Act
    The FERA gave work to over 20 million skilled and unskilled people. It gave grants and lone's to the state for relief programs.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    Agricultural Adjustment Act
    The AAA gave money to farmers to not grow on certain parts of their land and to kill off excess livestock. In return this increased the price of farm goods and reduced crop surplus.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    The WPA created jobs by constructing public buildings and roads as well as employing musicians, artists, writers, actors and directors.
  • National Youth Administration

    National Youth Administration
    The NYA employed both men and women as well as giving job training to the young. These workers helped their cities with construction and repair.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    The Social Security Act provided social insurance consisting of retirement, disability, and survivor benefits to those whom it applies to.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Fair Labor Standards Act
    The FLSA established the forty-hour work week, national minimum wage gap, extra pay for overtime, and the disintegration of child labor. Ensuring that people were being treated fairly in the work place.
  • World War II

    World War II
    The start of World War II ended the Great Depression for it brought a plethora of wartime jobs to the hard working citizens of the United States of America.