The New Deal

  • Federal Deposit Insurance Commission (FDIC)

    Federal Deposit Insurance Commission (FDIC)
    This Act provided government insurance for bank deposits. It helped increase trust in the public for the banking system.
  • Emergency Banking Relief Act

    Emergency Banking Relief Act
    Meant to make bank systems more trustworthy to the public. Federal examiners had to survey the nation's banks and issue Treasury Department Licenses to those that were financially sound.
  • Securities Act

    Securities Act
    Required companies that sold stocks and bonds to be completely upfront and give truthful information to its buyers.
  • Glass-Stegall Act

    Glass-Stegall Act
    Meant to restore the economy and trust in the banking system. It separated commercial banking from investment banking.
  • Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)

    Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)
    Was created to regulate the stock market and to stop fraud.
  • Federal Housing Authority (HUD now)

    Federal Housing Authority (HUD now)
    Improved home standards and facilitated housing financing. Meant to also increase the home-construction industry.
  • National Labor Relations Board (Wagner Act)

    National Labor Relations Board (Wagner Act)
    Protects an employee's right to organize or partake in a union if they so choose.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    Established benefits for workers, victims of industrial accident, and unemployment insurance. Also aided mothers and children, blind, and physically handicapped.