the nation breaking apart

  • wilmot proviso

    this bill aimed to outlaw slavery in territories taken from mexico.the bill passed in the house of representatives but was defeated in the senate thus causing a division in congress although,not a success it led to the formation of the free soil party
  • compromise

    california couldnt gain statehood without the approval of congress henry clay crafted aplan to settel the california problem.
    1-to please north california would be admited as a free state
    2-to please south congress wouldnt pass laws regarding slavery for the rest of the territories won from mexico
  • the electoin

    the american or know nothing , party also nominated a presidentail candidate in 1855
  • kansas-nebraska act

    stephan A. douglas drafted a bill to orgnize territories goverments for the nebraska territiry. to get southern support for the bill. he suggested that the decision about whether to allow slavery ineahof these territories be setteld by popular sovereignty.
  • bleeding kansas

    proslavery and antislavery settlers rushed into the kansas territory.
    five thousend miss ourians came and voted in the election illegally in may a proslavery attacked the towen of lawrence.
  • caning of summer

    the deocrats nominiated james buchanan to run for the presidency he had bben in england since 1853 he took advantage of his absence from th countery.
  • dred scott v sanford

    scott had been a slave in missouri his owner took him to live in territories where slavery was illegal.when his owner diead he became free many northerners were outraged and boked to the republican party to halt the growing power of southern slaveholders .
  • attack on harpers ferry

    jhon brown who had murdered proslavery kansas three years befor. he wanted to inspire slaves to fight for their freedom. brown and 18 followers 13 white and 5 black the killed four people in the raid .