The Nation Breaking Apart

  • Wilmot Proviso

    This bill aimed to outlaw slavery in territories taken from Mexico. The bill passed in the House of Representatives but was defeated in the senate thus causing a divisoin in Congress. Although, not succedd it led to the formation of the Free Soil Party.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Became a law that had saved the union. The laws intended to settle the major disagreements between freestates and slaves states.
  • Kansas- Nebraska Act

    Fugative slave act and Uncle Tom's Cabin heightened the conflicts between the nation and the South. In 1854 senate Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois drafted a bill to organize territoral goverment for Nebraska. He proposed that it be dived in the terriotories Nebraska and Kansas.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Proslavery and antislavery settles rushed into the Kansas Territory. Antislavery settlers boycotted and the official goverment and formed a goverment on their own. As the news of violence spread civil war broke out Kansas. It continued for 3yrs and the territory came to call " Bleeding Kansas"
  • Caning Of Sumner of 1856

    One of the most violent episodes in congressional history took place in this chamber on May 22, 1856. The Senate was not in session when South Carolina Representative Preston S. Brooks entered the chamber to avenge the insults that Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner had levelled at Brooks' cousin, Senator Andrew P. Butler.
  • Dred Sctott V. Standford

    Dred Scott had been a slave in Missouri. Scott and his owner returned to Missouri after the owners death. Scott had sued for his freedom. He argued that he was a freeman because he lived in territories where slavery was illegal. His case Dred Scott V. Sandford reached supreme court in 1856.
  • Attack On Harpers Ferry

    John Brown planned to capture the weapons in the U.S arsenal aat Harpers Ferry.
  • Secession of 1860

    During the presidential election of 1860, Southern leaders told the South to secede from the Union if Lincoln were to win the election because they believed Lincoln was an abolitionist