Civil war

The Nation Breacking Apart

  • Period: to

    The Nation Breaking Apart

  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    This bill aimed to outlaw slavery in territories taken from Mexico. The bill passed ni the House of Representatives, but was defeeated in the Senate, thus causing a division in Congress. It led to the formation of the Free Soil Party.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    A plan to please both the North and South. The North would get california as a free state, along with slavery being abolished in Washington D.C.. The South would get no laws banning slavery in the new territories, along with laws to help slaveholders to catch their slaves.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    This act states that the Nebraska Territory would be split into two. To gain votes to pass, they let popular sovereignty deside weather it would be a free state, or a slave state. North and South fought for this bill. Kansas became a battle ground over the bill.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    After fighting over territorial legislature, a civil war broke out in Kansas. They fought for what state Kansas will become. All settlers, North and South, travel to Kansas to vote. The war lasted for two years.
  • Caning of Sumner

    Caning of Sumner
    Charles Sumner makes a speech that attacks proslavery forces in Kansas and makes fun of A.P. Butler. A relative of Butler attacks Sumner in the Senate. Southerners cheer Brooks defense
  • Dred Scott v. Sandford

    Dred Scott v. Sandford
    Scott was a slave that had traveled from Missouri into a free state with his master. After returning to Missouri, his master died and he sued for freedom. He claimed to be free at one point in a free state. Toney states that he is in a slave state as of now, so he is not a citizen and can not sue. Laws are passed that make it difficult for slaves to become free. Missouri compromise is now seen unconstitutional
  • Attack on Harpers Ferry

    Attack on Harpers Ferry
    John Brown led a rebellion on proslavery people in Kansas. He inspired slaves to fight for freedom, and lader stole weapons in the U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Later, killed four people and no slaves joined his fight.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The election of 1860 became dangerous for the South. They thought that Abraham Lincoln would abolish slavery if he was elected president. Against this election, South say that they will seceed if Lincoln wins the election. After Abraham Lincoln won the election, the South became the Conferate States of America.