Dr. suess

The Life of Dr. Suess

  • Dr. Suess's birthday

    Dr. Suess's birthday
    About Dr. Suess Dr. Suess was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, as Theodor Geisel Suess. During his childhood. Theordor's mother used to help him go to sleep by singing rhyming chants to him.
  • Schooling

    Dr. Suess went to college at Dartmouth. While at school, he was the editor of the school newspaper called the Jack-o-Lantern.
  • He is a doctor!

    He is a doctor!
    After getting into some trouble at school, Theodor Geisel was no longer able to write for his school. He decided to write under the pseudonym 'Dr. Suess'.
  • Cartoons

    Dr. Suess was also widely known for his illustrations and drawings. Besides the pictures in his books, he began to make cartoons for magazines. As he continued to write children's books, he illustrated each one himself.
  • First published book

    First published book
    Games Dr. Suess published his very first children's book titled 'And to think I saw it on Mulberry Street.' With this book, he began a legacy, and inspired children to read through rhyming words and funny stories.
  • The Cat in the Hat

    The Cat in the Hat
    Cat in the Hat One of his most popular books was published on this day- 'The Cat in the Hat.' It is still a widely popular book today!
  • Green Eggs and Ham

    Green Eggs and Ham
    One of Dr. Suess's most popular books, 'Green Eggs and Ham,' was published. Would you, could you, on a boat? Dr. Suess was a master rhymer!
  • The Lorax

    The Lorax
    The Lorax movie Dr. Suess published the popular book 'The Lorax.' With this book, Dr. Suess won an anti-litter award, and helped children around the world to understand pollution and conservation.
  • Oh, the Places You'll Go!

    Oh, the Places You'll Go!
    One of the last books Dr. Suess published, 'Oh the Places You'll Go' was a big hit. Within this book, he helped children see that they can dream big and go far.
  • Death

    On this day, Dr. Suess died at the age of 87. His books have been read by generations of kids, and many to come in the future!