Life cycle of a frog

The Life Cycle of a Frog

By Kelc
  • The Egg

    The Egg
    6-21 days (average) after being fertilized, the egg will hatch.
  • The Tadpole

    The Tadpole
    7-10 after the tadpole has hatched, it begins to swim and feed on algae. The gills start getting grown over by skin after about 4 weeks.
  • The Tadpole with Legs

    The Tadpole with Legs
    After about 6 to 9 weeks, the tadpole begins to grow legs. The head becomes more distinct and the body elongates. The arms will begin to bulge where they will eventually pop out, elbows first. After 9 weeks, the tadpole begins to look like a tiny frog with a long tail.
  • Young Frog

    By 12 weeks, the tadpole has only a small tail and begins to look like a miniature adult frog. Soon, it will be leaving the water and will return to lay eggs.
  • (Adult) Frog

    (Adult) Frog
    Between 12-16 weeks, the frog has completed the full growth cycle.