1129 BCE
Kings of Judah: Rehoboam Abijah Asa Jehoshaphat Jehoram Ahaziah Athaliah Jehoash Amaziah Uzziah Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah Manasseh Amon Josiah Jehoahaz Jehoiakim Jehoiachin Zedekiah
Kings of Israel: Jeroboam Nadab Baasha Elah Zimri Omri Ahab Ahaziah Joram/jehoram Jehu Jehoahaz Joash/Jehoash Jeroboam II Zechariah Shallum Menahem Pekahiah Pekah Hoshea -
Period: 1129 BCE to 1017 BCE
Samuel's life
Samuel was a good prophet. He was the one who anointed both Saul and David. -
Period: 1082 BCE to 1010 BCE
Saul's life
Saul's reign started out good, but then he got proud and became a bad king. -
Period: 1062 BCE to 1010 BCE
Jonathan's life
Jonathan was David's best friend. He stuck to his side during the whole journey. He realized that he wouldn't be the next king. -
Period: 1050 BCE to 1010 BCE
Saul's Reign
Saul's reign was very good in the beginning. After he was anointed, he just went back to plowing the fields. After a while though, he got proud and tried to kill David. -
1042 BCE
Jonathan and his Armorbearer Attack the Philistine Garrison
Jonathan, along with his armorbearer, go to the Philistines to fight them, trusting in God. God turns the Philistines against each other. -
Period: 1040 BCE to 970 BCE
David's life
David was a very upright king. He was one of the best ones that Israel ever had. -
Period: 1029 BCE to 970 BCE
David's Reign (from anointing to Solomon's reign)
Samuel anointed David while Saul was still king. Solomon actually started reigning while David was still king. -
1025 BCE
David and Goliath
David killed Goliath with only a sling. The stone hit him in the head and he fell. Then David finished him off with Goliath's own sword. -
1015 BCE
David Commissioned as King
Samuel came to David's home while he was away watching the sheep. He looked at all of Jesse's sons but only David was anointed. -
1003 BCE
David Becomes King Over All Israel
When Saul dies, it leaves David as king over all of the united Israel. -
1000 BCE
David Captures Jerusalem
David captured Jerusalem and made it his capital. -
997 BCE
David Brings Mephibosheth to the Palace
David loved Jonathan, and so when Jonathan died, David brought Mephibosheth, one of Jonathan's descendants, to the palace -
997 BCE
David Plans the Temple
David wanted to build a temple for God. God said that he didn't need to and that his son would be the one to build it. -
992 BCE
David Commits Adultery with Bathsheba
David saw Bathsheba bathing on her roof. He sent to her and committed adultery with her -
Period: 989 BCE to 931 BCE
Solomon's life
Solomon was David's son. He was a fairly good king, although he did have some problems with idol worship and pride at the end of his life. -
978 BCE
David Flees Jerusalem
Absalom gathers a huge amount of people and rebels against David, who is forced to flee the city. -
978 BCE
Absalom Dies
Absalom's hair got caught in a tree because he had very long hair. Joab thrust 3 spears through him. -
974 BCE
David Numbers Israel
They were not supposed to count the people, because they would begin to trust in their army instead of God. David disobeys and numbers all the people. -
Period: 972 BCE to 915 BCE
Rehoboam's Life
Rehoboam was the son of Solomon. He spoke harshly with the people and so only 2 tribes followed him. -
971 BCE
Adonijah Rebels
Adonijah raises himself up to be king. When David hears, he crowns Solomon instead. -
Period: 970 BCE to 931 BCE
Solomon's Reign
Solomon built the temple in his reign. He also built a beautiful palace for himself. -
Period: 969 BCE to 936 BCE
Hiram's Reign
Hiram was the king of Tyre who supplied the stuff to build the temple. -
967 BCE
Solomon Gets His Wisdom
God asked Solomon what he wanted and he asked for wisdom -
Period: 966 BCE to 959 BCE
Solomon Builds the Temple
Solomon built the Temple with wood from Tyre and stones prepared at the quarry and precious stones and other expensive stuff such as gold. -
945 BCE
Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon
When she heard about his wealth, she came to talk to him and to see his wealth. -
Period: 931 BCE to 915 BCE
Rehoboam's Reign
Rehoboam was Solomon's son. He spoke harshly with the people, so only 2 tribes followed him. -
Period: 931 BCE to 910 BCE
Jeroboam's Reign
Jeroboam got the tribes that Rehoboam didn't. He was nicer to them than Rehoboam but he was wicked in the eyes of the Lord. -
930 BCE
Israel Splits
10 tribes followed Jeroboam in Israel and 2 tribes followed Rehoboam in Judah. -
929 BCE
Jeroboam Builds the Golden Calves
Jeroboam was afraid that the Israelites' hearts would be turned away from Israel when they went to Jerusalem to worship God, so he built two golden calves, one in Dan and one in Bethel. -
Period: 913 BCE to 911 BCE
Abijah/Abijam's Reign
Abijah is called by different names in different places. He was not such a great king. He was a king of Judah -
Period: 910 BCE to 869 BCE
Asa's Reign
Asa was a good king. He destroyed idols. He was a king of Judah. -
Period: 910 BCE to 909 BCE
Nadab's Reign
Nadab was a very bad king he was a king of Israel rather than Judah. He fought with Judah. -
Period: 909 BCE to 886 BCE
Baasha's Reign
Baasha was not a very good king. He was a king of Israel. -
900 BCE
Asa Wars With Ethiopia
Asa goes with about 1/2 million men. The Ethiopians have over 1 million. But Asa won and killed all the the men of Ethiopia. They plundered ruthlessly. -
899 BCE
Asa Reforms Judah's Religion
Azariah comes and encourages Asa. Asa breaks down all the idols and repairs the altar of God. He also removes his evil grandmother from power. -
Period: 886 BCE to 885 BCE
Elah's reign
Elah was the king of Judah who was killed by Zimri. He was not a good king. -
884 BCE
Zimri's reign
Zimri killed Elah and reigned for only 7 days. In his reign he killed all the people from Baasha. -
Period: 884 BCE to 872 BCE
Omri's reign
Omri comes to kill Zimri, but Zimri burns the palace down on himself, so Omri reigns. He was not good. In fact, he was the worst king that Israel had ever had. -
Period: 874 BCE to 853 BCE
Ahab's reign
He was even worse than Omri. He was a very bad king. In his reign, there was a drought because of his sin. -
872 BCE
Elijah goes to the brook
Elijah goes to the brook of Cherith to escape the drought. He drinks from the brook and the ravens bring him food. -
871 BCE
Elijah goes to the widow
Elijah goes to the town of Zarephath and tells the widow to give him food. Then she gives it to him and her flour and oil did not run out until the famine was over. -
Period: 870 BCE to 849 BCE
Jehoshaphat's reign
Jehoshaphat was a mostly good king of Judah. His main mistake was making an alliance with Ahab. -
869 BCE
Asa Dies of a Foot Disease
Asa died of some "foot disease" and is buried in Jerusalem. -
869 BCE
Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal and wins
Elijah was like "Why are you guys divided between serving God and Baal? Let's have a test! Bring us some bulls and put them on the altars and whichever God answers with fire, he is God." So they brought bulls and put them on the altars and the priests of Baal cut themselves and prayed to Baal, but of course he didn't answer. But Elijah poured water on his sacrifice and prayed to God and fire came down and burned up everything around the altar: the water, the sacrifice, the wood, everything. -
869 BCE
The Lord speaks to Elijah
Jezreel threatens to kill Elijah within 24 hours. He then begs God to kill him where he had run to. An angel came and woke him up to eat some special food. He then walked for 40 days and 40 nights without eating or sleeping because the food gave him that much energy. He came to the mountain of God. God then sent an earthquake, wind, and fire, and then God spoke in a small, still voice. Elijah speaks with God, and God tells him to go back to anoint 3 new people. Elijah only anoints Elisha though. -
867 BCE
Jehoshaphat's battle
Jehoshaphat was told that he would win the battle. He then put the singers in front of the army. -
864 BCE
Ben-hadad's wars with Ahab
Ben-hadad came and asked for all of Ahab's stuff, basically. The Israelites win all the battles easily. A prophet tells Ahab that he should die. -
860 BCE
Ahab gets Naboth's vineyard
Ahab really wants Naboth's vineyard, so Jezreel gets rid of Naboth and gets him the vineyard. Elijah says that his house will die. Ahab actually repents, so Elijah says that they will all die after Ahab dies. -
852 BCE
Ahab's death
Ahab dies of a randomly shot arrow. The dogs eat his blood. -
Period: 852 BCE to 850 BCE
Ahaziah's reign
Ahaziah got sick because he fell through the lattice between the houses. So he sent messengers to a false god but Elijah said that since he was inquiring of a false god, he would die. So the king sent a whole bunch of captains with 50 each to get him. But Elijah brought fire down on them. Finally one came and bowed down. So Elijah went with him and told the king that he would die. So he died. He was not a good king who reigned in Israel. -
Period: 850 BCE to 838 BCE
Joram's reign (Israel)
Joram was a king of Israel. He was not a good king even though he got rid of Baal. He continued the fight against Moab, along with two other kings-the king of Edom and the king of Judah. Elisha makes water and the Moabites think that the allies have fought with each other. The Israelites win. -
849 BCE
Elisha curses the boys
The reason that the Elisha was bald was probably that he was mourning. They were basically mocking him for crying. -
849 BCE
Elijah taken up to heaven
Elijah was taken up in a fiery chariot. Elisha saw Elijah leaving, so he got a double portion of Elijah's spirit. -
849 BCE
Elisha makes the water better
The water wasn't so great, but the city was. He poured salt into the spring and the water was good. -
Period: 849 BCE to 842 BCE
Jehoram's reign (Judah)
Jehoram was not a good king. He killed all his brothers. He was a king of Judah. -
847 BCE
Elisha makes the axe head float
One of the sons of the prophets was chopping down a tree and the axe head flew off. Elisha threw a twig into the river and the axe head floated to the surface. -
845 BCE
Elisha gives the Shunammite woman a child
This couple builds on to their house so Elisha can sleep there as he passed by. As a favor, he gives the couple a child because they didn't have one. The child dies and Elisha brings him back to life. -
843 BCE
Elisha is attacked
Elisha was attacked by the whole Syrian army. But God's fiery army was way bigger. -
838 BCE
Ahaziah's reign (Judah)
This king only reigned for one year. -
Period: 838 BCE to 810 BCE
Jehu's reign
Jehu was the commander of the army. A prophet anoints him over Israel and says that he will kill all the house of Ahab. So he gets crowned and goes to where Joram and Ahaziah are and kills them. He tells the people to kill Jezebel, so they throw her down out of the window and she is run over by Jehu's chariot and is eaten by dogs. Jehu was good and bad. Jehu commands them to kill the sons of Ahab, so they did. He kills those of Baal and destroys temple of Baal. Golden calves stayed. Like Jesus. -
Period: 837 BCE to 830 BCE
Athaliah's reign
When her son was killed, she killed all of the royal family except one who was hidden. She was killed by the next king's guards. -
Period: 836 BCE to 796 BCE
Joash's Reign
When Athaliah was killing the royal family, Joash was hidden. After 7 years of hiding, he was crowned king. He was a mostly good king, but he used all his treasures to bribe Hazael the king of Syria to not capture Jerusalem. He was killed by his servants. -
Period: 796 BCE to 792 BCE
Amaziah's reign
<h1> WB!!! -
Period: 791 BCE to 739 BCE
Uzziah's reign
<h1> WB!!! -
Period: 786 BCE to 746 BCE
Jeroboam II's reign
<h1> WB!!! -
Period: 750 BCE to 735 BCE
Jotham's reign
<h1> WB!!! -
745 BCE
Zechariah's reign
<h1> WB!!! -
745 BCE
Shallum's reign
Shallum was a king of Israel who only reign for one month.
<h1> WB!!! -
Period: 737 BCE to 732 BCE
Pekah's reign
<h1> WB!!! -
Period: 735 BCE to 720 BCE
Ahaz's reign
He was a very bad king of Judah. He sacrificed his own children. He was conquered by Pekah, but then all the captives were released. He is almost conquered by a foreign nation, but he bribes someone else to help him. -
715 BCE
Hezekiah's passover
They had to have it a little bit later than it should be because not enough of the priests are consecrated in time. -
Period: 715 BCE to 686 BCE
Hezekiah's reign
Hezekiah was a good king of Judah. He was very wealthy. In his extra years, he had a bad son. -
701 BCE
Hezekiah's war with Sennacherib
Sennacherib came, lay siege to Jerusalem, and blasphemed God. Hezekiah prayed to God and God sent an angel to kill people of the army. -
701 BCE
Hezekiah is sick
Hezekiah gets sick and the prophet said that he would die. But Hezekiah prayed to God and God told the prophet to tell Hezekiah that he would get 15 more years. The sign, chosen by Hezekiah, was to make the sun go back 10 hours. -
700 BCE
The Babylonian envoy visits Hezekiah
When God shows Hezekiah the sign, the Babylonians come to visit when they hear that he was the one who made the sun go back. He shows them all his wealth and the temple. God says that He will destroy all of Judah because of Hezekiah showing them the temple. Hezekiah doesn't care as long as it doesn't happen in his day. -
Period: 686 BCE to 631 BCE
Manasseh's reign
Manasseh did everything bad. He was a king of Judah. He was the worst king and he reigned the longest of any of the kings. When he was in slavery in Babylon he humbled himself and repents. God is moved by his prayer. He was then released and went back and restored Judah to God. -
Period: 631 BCE to 630 BCE
Amon's reign
Amon was a bad king. He was very wicked. He did all that his father did, which was everything bad. He was assassinated by his own servants. -
Period: 630 BCE to 599 BCE
Josiah's reign
Josiah was a very good king of Judah. In his eighth year, he destroyed the idols and idol worshippers. In his eighteenth year, when the book of the law was found, he had the biggest Passover since Samuel. -
599 BCE
Jehoahaz's reign
Jehoahaz only reign for three months. He was a bad king. He was taken away to Egypt by Pharaoh Neco. He died in Egypt. -
Period: 599 BCE to 588 BCE
Jehoiakim's reign
He was a bad king of Judah. He was appointed by Neco, who changed his name. He fights against Babylon and is captured. -
388 BCE
Jehoiachin's reign
He reigned three months and ten days. He was appointed by Babylon as well. He was eventually released from prison and treated well because he repented. -
Period: 388 BCE to 377 BCE
Zedekiah's reign
Zedekiah rebelled against Babylon and was captured.