The Inter-War years (1918-present)

By pierceH
  • Armistice to end World War 1 signed at 11am on 11 November

  • Paris peace conference

  • Great Depression

    The Stock market crashes and causes the great depression, creating inflation. People would carry buckets of money just to buy a loaf of bread.
  • Adolf Hitler comes to power in Germany

  • Nazi Germany invades Poland

  • USA and the Soviet Union enter World War 2

    USA and the Soviet Union enter World War 2.
  • Cold War

    Tensions between the USA and the Soviet Union after World War 2 lead to the Cold War
  • Defeat of Nazi's

    Defeat of Nazi (Germany) and the imperial japan ends World War 2.
  • Form of United Nations

    First assembly of the United Nations.
  • India gains independance

    India gains independance.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War.
  • Rights to legislate issues impacting Indigenous Australians

    Rights to legislate issues impacting Indigenous Australians.
  • Martin Luther King assassinated

    Martin Luther King assassinated
  • First personal computers

    First personal computers released on the market.
  • The Cold War ends

    The Cold War ends.
  • 9/11 terrorist attack

    9/11 terrorist attck on the twin towers.