The History of Education

  • Kalamazoo Michigan Case

    A lawsuit was filed in Kalamazoo, Michigan to collect public funds for the support of a village high school.
  • Committee of Ten

    The Committee of Ten reccomended the standardization of American high school cirriculum.
  • Progressivism

    Progressivism started in 1896. It dealt with communism and it lastd until 1916.
  • John Dewey's Most Significant Accomplishment

    John Dewey's Most Significant Accomplishment
    John Dewey's most significant accmplishment was teaching in the field of education.
  • Secondary School Movement

    The Seconday School Movement followed Elementary School, and opened up a middle school for adolescents, a junior high school for teens, and a high school for soon to be adults.
  • Smith-Hughes Act

    Smith-Hughes Act
    An act of the United States of Congress that prompted vocational agriculture to train people "who have entered upon or who are preparing to enter upon the work of the farm".
  • Cardinal Principals of Secondary Education

    The Cardinal Principals of Secondary Education formed objectives for seconday education.
  • National Defense Education Act

    National Defense Education Act
    Signing into law on September 2, 1958, the National Defense Education Act provided funds to the United States education institutions at all levels.
  • Project Head Start

    Project Head Start
    Also known as the Head Start Program, this is a program of the United States Department of Health and Human Services the provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services. This was for low-income children and their families.
  • Elementary and Seconday Education Act

    Passed by Lyndon B. Johnson, this was the most far-reaching federal legislation affecting education ever passed by Congress.
  • Bilingual Education Act

    Bilingual Education Act
    Introduced in 1967, but not passed as a law until 1968, this was to help studnets that spoke other languages that wasn't English. Students included those who spoke Spanish, Frence, Japanse, and other languages.
  • Title IX

    Title IX states that no person in the United States shall, on the basis of thier gender, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity recieving federal financial assistance.
  • A Nation at Risk

    A Nation at Risk
    The title of a report in Ronald Regan's National Commission of Excellence in Education, it's publication was considered a landmark moden American educational history.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Passed by George H.W. Bush on October 30, 1990, this allowed studnets with disabilities to be educated in public schools. Other schools were created specifically made based on their disability. Disabilities include autism, down syndrome, and cerebral palsy among other disabilities.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    A reauthorization of the Elementary and Seconday School Act, this assured that no studnet, mainstreamed or not, would get left behind in the education world.
  • Race To The Top

    Race To The Top
    Announced by Barack Obama and Anne Duncan, states were awarded points based on how well they did when it came to educating students among another accomplishments.