The History of Cars

  • Karl Benz invents first car

    Karl Benz invents first car
    Karl Benz invented the first car on January 1, 1885. This model doesn't look very similar to the cars we have now.
  • Frederick William Lanchester invents brakes

    Frederick William Lanchester invents brakes
    Fredrick William Lanchester invented brakes to the car a few years after the first car was invented.
  • Paul Galvin invents CAR radio

    Paul Galvin invents CAR radio
    Paul Galvin invented the car radio in 1929. This invention was considered a luxury.
  • Air conditioning introduced to cars

    Air conditioning introduced to cars
    The air conditioner was a well needed invention especially on sunny days. It was tricky to turn it off at first because the driver would have to get out and disconnect a tube.
  • The seat belt is invented

    The seat belt is invented
    Australia was the first country to make it mandatory to have a seat belt in the car. The United States followed a few years later in 1968.
  • Air bags are brought into the car world

    Air bags are brought into the car world
    the Ford Motor Company introduce the first airbags. The airbags were meant to keep people from being harmed during accidents.
  • Cars today are very different from the first car

    Cars today are very different from the first car
    Since the first car in 1885, cars have been modified for safety, convenience, and design.