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  • Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot

    Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot
    Nicolas joseph cugnot,built a steam car that circuit in paris in 1769 and perfected in the other moly
  • A gasolina

    A gasolina
    The history of the automobile begins with the self-propelled steam vehicles of the 18th century. In 1860 the first vehicle was created by internal combustion engine with gasoline.
  • panhard

    The first cars were directed with a rod, but in 1894 Alfred Vacheron took part in the Paris-Rouen race with a Panhard model of 4 hp with a steering wheel.1 It is estimated that it is one of the first jobs on the wheel
  • Panhard et Levassor

    Panhard et Levassor
    Since 1898, the Panhard et Levassor cars were fitted with steering wheels as standard. CS Rolls introduced the first vehicle equipped with a steering wheel from Great Britain when it imported a 6 HP Panhard from France that year.3 Arthur Constantin Krebs in 1898 replaced the shank with a slanted steering wheel for the Panhard car he designed for the Paris - Amsterdam race , which was developed between July 7 and 13, 1898.
  • produccion en masa

    produccion en masa
    In 1900, the mass production of automobiles had already begun in France and the United States. The first companies created to manufacture automobiles were the French companies Panhard et Levassor (1889), and Peugeot (1891). In 1908, Henry Ford began to produce automobiles on an assembly line, a totally innovative system that allowed him to reach previously unthinkable manufacturing figures.
  • F1

    In 1900 an event that was momentous in the world of racing was held, when James Gordon Bennett Jr., owner of the New York Herald and the Herald Tribune of Paris, created the Gordon Bennett Cup in Europe, an annual race that It attracted international competitors from all over the world and in which each country could register up to three cars.
  • Model T

    Model T
    model t ford.the mass produced commercial car becomes the technology starting point
  • Radio en el primer coche

    Radio en el primer coche
    radio in the car started in 1922, George Frost developed a prototype compact radio receiver that could be manipulated using only two rotary buttons. The invention of Frost was placed in a Ford Model T, the most popular car on the planet at the time, and is considered the first vehicle in history to equip a car radio, although in reality this new extra would still take many years to be incorporated massively in the car.
  • Primer coche automático

    Primer coche automático
    it was Thomas J. Sturtevant of Boston who designed the first three-speed semi-automatic transmission at the end of the 19th century and in 1940, the Cadillac Oldsmobile developed the first fully automatic transmission that, while not the first to be invented, was the first to be commercialized.
  • The Citroen

    The Citroen
    The Citroën DS, 2 also nicknamed Citroën Sapo3 or Citroën Tiburón4 is a vehicle of the E segment produced by the manufacturer Citroën between 1955 and 1975 to compete against the Renault Fregate surpassing it in technology and design. Designed by the Italian Flaminio Bertoni, the DS is known for its futuristic design and innovative technology, as well as its hydropneumatic suspension with automatic height corrector.
  • Cinturon De seguridad

    Cinturon De seguridad
    This invention, capable of saving more than a million lives every decade, was born in 1959 by Nils Bohlin. Of Swedish nationality and belonging to the Volvo brand, he was the first to apply the belt with three anchor points. But to understand this moment, where some of the best examples of passive safety began, we must go back to the decade of the thirties, when aircraft began to use it.
  • Airbag

    A personal experience, or rather, accidental, made the American engineer John Hetrick in the fifties think, and invent the first airbag. But he did not have much luck with the brands. It is true that the compressed air balloon and its sensors did not achieve the correct result. Ford did not take long to notice, and it started with the development of the idea.
  • Coche volador

    Coche volador
    In 1973 the AVE Mizar also known as the Ford Pinto Volador became the first car capable of reaching the flight. A brief and tragic story, since on that same flight and day the adventure ended. Currently, the flying car project is perhaps at the moment closest to becoming a reality in this dream, which has lasted for decades.
  • Vehiculo electrico

    Vehiculo electrico
    The history of the electric vehicle begins in the mid-nineteenth century. Towards the end of the century, an incipient market began to develop in some countries in Europe and the United States, and it was maintained during the first two decades of the 20th century. However, its high cost, its low maximum speed, and the short range of electric vehicles with batteries, compared to vehicles with internal combustion engines,
  • Period: to


    At the beginning of the 21st century, interest in electric vehicles and other alternative fuel vehicles has increased due to growing concern about the problems associated with the use of hydrocarbons in vehicles (which include damage to the environment caused by their emissions) and the sustainability of the current transport infrastructure based on hydrocarbons, as well as improvements in electric vehicle technology.
  • Interfaz de usuriaio

    Interfaz de usuriaio
    the automobile industry is not obsolete.both engines and steering systems have evolved considerably with the use of the latest advances in digital technology.however,these changes are not perceived by the consume,such as the improvement in engine perfomance,the decrease in consumption and stabilization mechanism.however,the use ''user interface'',wich is the first point of contact between the driver and the car is till obsolete