

  • Crispus Attucks dies in Boston Massacre

    Crispus Attucks dies in Boston Massacre
    Crispus Attucks a fugitive slave was the first to die in the Boston Massacre.
  • Amistad Revolt

    Amistad Revolt
    Captured African Americans, revolt slave ship.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude, only punishment for crimes.
  • 14 Amendment

    All blacks were considered citizens.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    No matter what race, color, or servitude you could vote.
  • Rosewood Massacre

    Rosewood Massacre
    A massacre was carried out in the small, predominately black town of Rosewood in Central Florida. The massacre was instigated by the rumor that a white woman, Fanny Taylor, had been sexually assaulted by a black man in her home in a nearby community.
  • Scottsboro Boys

    During the time of the depression nine black youth were jailed because of a false accusation of a gang rape. They didn't commit the crime but the verdict was guilty and the boys did unearned time.
  • McLaurin vs Oklahoma

    George W. McLaurin was denied admission to the University of Oklahoma because of his color. He filed a suit and the supreme court ruled that George must be admitted into the school.
  • Brown vs.Board Education

    The Brown vs Board decision was supposed to have ended legal segregation in public schools.
  • Death of Emmett Till

    Death of Emmett Till
    The Emmett Till murder trial brought to light the brutality of Jim Crow segregation in the South and was an early impetus of the African American civil rights movement.
  • Little Rock 9

    The Little Rock 9 were nine students attempting to intergrate an all white school at Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas.
  • Ruby Bridges

    Ruby Bridges
    Was the first African-American girl to attend an all white public school in the south
  • James Meredith(1st day at ole miss)

    James Meredith(1st day at ole miss)
    The town of Oxford erupted. It took some 30,000 U.S. troops, federal marshals and national guardsmen to get James Meredith to class after a violent campus uprising. Two people were killed and more than 300 injured.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    More than 200,000 demonstrators took part in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in the nation’s capital.
  • 16th Street Church Bombing

    The brutal bombing of a church that killed four young girls. This event helped and encouraged the Cilvil Rights movement.
  • Assassination of Malcolm X

    Assassination of Malcolm X
    Malcolm X was shot 15 times at close range in the Audubon Ballroom.
  • March on Selma

    March on Selma
    Martin Luther King led thousands of nonviolent demonstrators to the steps of the capitol in Montgomery, Alabama, after a 5-day, 54-mile march from Selma, Alabama, where local African Americans were marching for their rights.
  • Orangeburg Massacre

    Orangeburg Massacre
    South Carolina highway patrolmen opened fire on a college campus killing 3 and wounding 27. Students were unarmed and had no warnings due to racial tensions.
  • Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin was shot on the second floor of the Lorraine hotel in Memphis.
  • Arrest of Angela Davis

    Arrest of Angela Davis
    Radical black activist and philosopher, was arrested as a suspected conspirator in the abortive attempt to free George Jackson from a courtroom in Marin County, California.
  • LUCY

    Lucy was one of the most famous early forms of human ancestry. She was the first Australopithecus ever found,and only 40% of her body was found.
  • Barack Obama becomes first black president

    Barack Obama becomes first black president
    He was elected the 44th President of the United States .
  • Beating of Rodney King

    Beating of Rodney King
    Inflamed cities where racial tensions were high. The beating of Rodney King was videotaped and seen nationally, as he was beat by five police officers.