The Haitian Revolution

  • Oct 30, 1492

    Columbus lands on Hispaniola

    Columbus lands on Hispaniola
    Christopher Columbus sails from Spain to Hispaniola.
  • Sugar cane introduced to the island of Hispaniola

    Sugar cane introduced to the island of Hispaniola
    Sugar cane was introduced to Hispaniola making Saint Domingue one of the richest colonies at this time.
  • Treaty of Ryswich

    Treaty of Ryswich
    The Treaty of Ryswich gave France control of 1/3 of Hispaniola. They named this portion of the island Saint Domingue.
  • Affranchis in Saint Domingue demand equal rights

    Affranchis in Saint Domingue demand equal rights
    Affranchis demand equal rights but the French government denies them.
  • French government grants rights to free blacks

    French government grants rights to free blacks
    Affranchis given the same rights as white people but the colonists don't recognize them as citizens. This causes the Boukman Revolt.
  • Boukman Revolt

    Boukman Revolt
    A slave revolt led by Dutty Boukman. This is considered the beginning of the French revolution.
  • Treaty of Basel

    Spain signed treaty of Basel to give Santo Domingo to France and withdrew its troops.
  • L'Ouverture and Rigaud kick the british Hispaniola

    L'Ouverture and Rigaud kick the british Hispaniola
    Toussaint L'Ouverture and Rigaud work together and kick all british people off the island of Hispaniola.
  • War of Knives

    War of Knives
    A war between Toussaint L'Ouverture who represented the blacks and allies the British and Rigaud who represented the wealthy affranchis.
  • L'Ouvterture make constitution

    L'Ouvterture make constitution
    Toussaint L'Ouverture makes first constitution to give EVERYONE equal rights.
  • L'ouverture arrested

    L'ouverture arrested
    L'ouverture is captured and arrested by French troops. They bring him to prison where he dies.
  • Haiti becomes an independent country

    Haiti becomes an independent country
    Jeam Jacques Dessalines crowns himself emperor and declares Haiti an independent country. The Haitian Revolution ends.