The Greatest Inventions From the past

  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    The Greatest invention in The past

    What is the evention who created it when was it created where was it created and why was it created
  • Aug 21, 1500

    The Center of Our Universe

    The Center of Our Universe
    In the Early 1500s everyone thought that every planet revovels around earth. Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus proved with a model,that all planets revovled around the sun. This was very important to know because it informed people with the correct information instead of false crap.
  • Sep 22, 1564

    The lead Pencil

    The lead Pencil
    The lead pencil which ironically contains no lead only graphite was discovered in Borrowland, England. The material was discovered in a graphite mine in Borrowland in 1564. The one person that actually manufactued it, was Conte Nicholas. It is important because it allows people to write with out dipping the untensil in ink every five seconds.
  • The thermometer

    The thermometer
    The thermometer was invented by Galileo in 1593. It works by having water in a glass bulb as the temperature changed the water would move up and down determining what the temperature was. This invention was very important to a lot of people because it would let them the know what the temperature was outside, this is very usefull information to know becuase you would know what appropriate clothes to wear outside.
  • The compound microscope

    The compound microscope
    A dutch scientist by the name Zacharias Janssen ivented the first compound microscope. This invention was created in 1595. The Compound microscope had two tudes that slid into one another. This invention was important because it allows people to see objects up close. Due to this it let people get deeper knowledge of things.
  • The Telescope

    The Telescope
    A German Scientist by the name Hans Lippershey cretated the first refracting telescope. He created the first refracting telescope in 1608. This invention was important because it allows people to look at distant objects, mostly planets. This invention was also inported into the military.
  • The Mercury Barometer

    The Mercury Barometer
    The Mercury Barometer was created in 1643 by an Italian Physicist, that goes by the name Evangelista Torriiceli. Evangelista Torriiceli Was also a pupil of the famous scientist Galileo. This invention was very useful because it would tell you the amount of air pressure that was in the air. This would be useful information to know because the amount of air pressure can tell you if a storm was approaching.I am assuming that it was created in Italy.
  • The three laws of motion

    The three laws of motion
    Issac Newton discovered the basic three laws of motion which were, An object will remain at rest or moving in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.
    When force is applied to an object, it will accelerate (Force = mass x acceleration).
    For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. These three basic laws were dicovered in the year 1687. These laws helped people understand how things happen and why they happen,
  • The sextant

    The sextant
    It was invented by two guys their names were John Hadely and Thomas Godfrey. They invented the sextant around the year of 1731. It worked by you pointing it at a start then it told where the horizon was. This invention was very important because it helped explorers navigate their way to their destination.