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The Great Depression of 1930

By Bramos
  • The Wall Street Crash

    The Wall Street Crash
    This was a major stock market crash that occurred in America on this date. Share prices collapsed which left Americans in shambles. It is also known as “Black Thursday.”
  • Unemployment Skyrockets

    Unemployment Skyrockets
    1.5 Million people have lost their jobs.
  • The Dust Bowls

    The Dust Bowls
    The dust bowls lasted from 1930-1936. These dust bowls pushed out many farmers from their land in which their crops failed to grow.
  • Food Riots Begin

    Food Riots Begin
    Food riots begin since people are struggling to afford food. People are raiding and robbing grocery stores for their families to be able to eat.
  • Roosevelt becomes President

    Roosevelt becomes President
    Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected president after his “New Deal” speech. He beat the current president Herbert Hoover by almost twice the votes.
  • The first 100 Days

    The first 100 Days
    President Roosevelts first 100 days involved implementing things such as the launching the New Deal, ending the prohibition period, and putting more acts in place. This was the beginning of working towards recovery.
  • 8.5 Million people given jobs

    8.5 Million people given jobs
    The works progress administration is created and 8.5 million people obtain a job.
  • Roosevelt elected Again

    Roosevelt elected Again
    Roosevelt takes on his second term as president.
  • Period: to

    Recession Begins

    This was the first recession since 1929. It was known as the recession within the depression.
  • Period: to

    World War ll

    World War ll begins and becomes a global conflict. In this timespan Pearl Harbor is attacked. The U.S enters the war on the day of this attack which was December 7th 1941.
  • US becomes economic superpower

    US becomes economic superpower
    Despite the horrible aftermath of World War ll the US became the only economic super power in the world.
  • US back on top

    US back on top
    Despite the horrible aftermath of World War ll the US became the only economic super power in the world.