The Great Depression and The Rise of Fascism

  • Unstable New Democracies: The Provisional Government falls in Russia

    Because of the war, Europe's last rulers were overthrown. THe newest government to be formed was the Provisional Government in Russia that hoped to establish democratic and and constitucional rule. It was unstable and soon fell to a Communist dictatorship.
  • End of WWI

    End of WWI
    After four tragic years, the war finally came to an end.
  • Mussolini Founds the Fascist Party in Italy

    Mussolini Founds the Fascist Party in Italy
    Benito Mussolini, a newspaper editor and politician founded the Fascist Party in 1919, promising to rescue Italy by reviving its economy and rebuiolding its armed forces. As economic conditions worsened, his popularity rapidly increased. He beg an to win support from the middle classes, the aristocracy and industrial leaders.
  • The Weimar Republic is Formed

    The Weimar Republic is Formed
    Germany's new democratic government was set up, named after the city where the national assembly was met.
  • Period: to

    Severe Inflation in Germany

    Germany faced enormous economic problems due to the debts the country had to pay the Alies for the expenses of the war, thus Germany's currency fell sharply.
  • Mussolini Takes Control

    Mussolini Takes Control
    During October, about 30,000 Fascists marched on Rome and demanded King Victor Emmanuel III make Mussolini the leader of the government. With a threatening uprising caused, the Fascists were able to put Mussolini in charge.
  • The Dawes Plan is Put into Effect

    In order to recover from the German inflation crisis, an international comitee came to the rescue. An American banker named Charkes Dawes created a plan to provide for a $200 million loan from American banks to stablize German currency and strengthen its economy.
  • The Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact is Signed

    The Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact is Signed
    This international agreement stated war was never to be used to resolve disputes or conflicts. It was signed by Germany, France and the United States and by other nations soon afterwards.
  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

    After the stock market crashed, people could not pay the money they owed which led to unemployment and decrease in industrial production, prices and wages. Because many countries such as Germany which were in the process of recovering from the war depended on America's support, they were also severly affected.
  • The Stock Market Crashes

    The Stock Market Crashes
    New York City's Wall Street was the financial capital of the world. The US economy prospered greatly until one day it collapsed plunging stock prices down to an all-out low.
  • Hitler is Named Chancellor

    Hitler is Named Chancellor
    The Nazis advised President Paul von Hindenburg to name Hitler chancellor. He agreed and Hitler was handed over the power. He quickly became the "Führer". Hitler obtained economic, political, social and control over everyother aspect of German life.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected President

    Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected President
    The first presidential election after the Depression gave the power to Franklin D. Roosevelt. Once elected, Roosevelt immediately began a program of government reform called the New Deal.Large public works projects helped to provide jobs for the unemployed.
  • The Nazi "Rally of Victory"

    The Nazi "Rally of Victory"
    The 5th Party Congress was held in Nuremberg, August 30 – September 3, 1933. It was called the "Rally of Victory" (Reichsparteitag des Sieges). The term "victory" relates to the Nazi seizure of power and the victory over the Weimar Republic.
  • The Popular Front is Formed in France

    The Popular Front is Formed in France
    The Depression highly affected France, even though it was less dependent on foregin trade. Its Democratic government was confronted with many economic and political challenges in order to sustain itself in power, so moderates, Socialists and Communists formed this coalition to pass a series of reforms to help the workers.
  • The Spanish Civil War Begins

    The Spanish Civil War Begins
    One of the chief examples of Fascism was Spain. The Nationalist rebel group led by Francisco Franco fought against the Republicans. In the end, the Nationalists won and Franco took control.
  • Kristalnacht (Night of The Broken Glass)

    Kristalnacht (Night of The Broken Glass)
    This event marked the beginning of the process of eliminating the Jews from Germany. The Nazis attacked Jews in their home sand on the streets. They destroyed thousands of Jewish-owned buildings. The hatred of Jews was called Anti-Semitism.
  • Germany and Italy sign the Pact of Steel

    Germany and Italy sign the Pact of Steel
    This pact assured alliance between the two countries. Hitler and Mussolini met to promote their Fascist idealisms in their countries. However, when Italy refuses to enter the war, Germany invades and conquers land.