The gradual increase of nazi persecution of the roma and sinti(gypsie) s)

  • 1944 BCE

    American Troops Liberate Buchenwald

    The Allied troops started to free prisoners from concentration camps including prisoners at Buchenwald. The United States president toured the concentration camps and wanted to make sure the Holocaust would not be forgotten. the Romi and the Sinti were being freed.
  • 1941 BCE

    Germany Occupies Hungary

    On March 19, 1944, Nazi Germany Invaded Hungary to prevent the country from joining the Allies and leaving the Axis. And the Nazis invaded Hungary because Hungary had the largest Jewish population. the Romi and the Sinti (gypsies) groups were affected by this.
  • 1941 BCE

    Mass Murder Begins at Chelmno

    Chelmno was the first Major killing operation in order to annihilate the Jewish population. Chelmno was also the first location to use gas to mass-murder Jews. At least 172,000 Jews and others were killed here. This affected the Romi and Sinti (gypsies).941
  • 1939 BCE

    Euthanasia Decree

    Children under the age of 3 with severe mental or physical disabilities. This persecuted the Roma and Sinti(gypsies)by taking away their rights to live.
  • 1935 BCE

    Reich Citizenship Law

    Jewish people could not marry non-Jews. It was illegal for couples to be of mixed race. This persecuted the Roma and Sinti(gypsies)by taking away their rights to marry.
  • 1935 BCE

    Nuremberg Laws Extended

    Roma, Sinti, and Afro germans lost their citizenship and were not allowed to marry “Aryan” germans. This persecuted the Roma and Sinti(gypsies)by taking away their rights to marry.
  • 1933 BCE

    Press Censorship Law

    Jewish people who worked for the newspaper were out of work. People in Germany weren’t able to get the real news from the press anymore as only certain things were published. German people didn’t know what was going on for real. including the Roma and Sinti(gypsy).
  • 1933 BCE

    Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor

    Jewish people could not marry non-Jews. It was illegal for couples to be of mixed race. including the Roma and Sinti(gypsies).
  • 1933 BCE

    Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    In November of 1932, the Nazi party won 33 percent of the vote, which was more than any other party, in the German Election. Due to this, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler, who was the head of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZI Party), the new chancellor of Germany. This affected the Romi and Sinti (gypsies).
  • 1932 BCE

    Reichstag Fire Decree

    Everyone living in Germany spoke out against the Nazis. This persecuted the Roma and Sinti(gypsies)by taking away their right of freedom of speech from saying something about their religion to their clothes.
  • 1931 BCE

    Enabling Act

    This affected everyone’s lives because of the fact that they did in fact believe this propaganda. This persecuted the Roma and Sinti(gypsies)by taking away their right of knowing the truth.