
The Golden Ratio

By adiel99
  • What's The Golden Ratio

    What's The Golden Ratio
    Many 20th century artists and architects have proportioned their works to the approximate the golden ratio—especially in the form of the golden rectangle, in which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter is the gold
  • Does HE Have The Golden Ratio ???

    Does HE Have The Golden Ratio ???
  • is pretty pretty

    is pretty pretty
    If girls think he hot and if he dosent have the Golden Ratio then whats hot to The Golden Ratio
  • What We Think Is Pretty Is It Really Golden

    What We Think Is Pretty Is It Really Golden
    I 'm going to find out if what we think is pretty is golden!

    If this girl isn't what is ?????
  • Is Pretty Really "Golden"??

    Is Pretty Really "Golden"??
    I think it doesen't have to do with how pretty you are, as long as you have the shape of the Golden Ratio.
  • How Does Golden Ratio Play Significant Role In Our Lives?

    How Does Golden Ratio Play Significant Role In Our Lives?
    Many plant components are discovered to be somehow involved with this ratio. The modern technical analysts who use technical analysis to predict the movement of stocks, also incorporated the Golden Ratio in their analyses. The other terms referring to this include Golden Proportion, Divine Proportion and mean of Phidias.
    The Parthenon, which is a temple of the Greek goddess Athena built in the 5th century BC on the Acropolis of Athens, has many of its proportions approximating the Golden Ratio.
  • Period: to

    It Took A Long Time Before We Discoverd The Golden Ratio

    It took us awile to exsplain the Golden Ratio. The Golden Ratio has been here since people were alive. We still have a lot to learn about the Golden Ratio; it's still a mystery?!