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The French and Inidan War

  • Attempts to Claim Ohio

    Attempts to Claim Ohio
    The French settelers go south into Ohio to claim the land for themselves. When the British hear about this they go and try to stop the French and claim the land themselves. This causes conflict.
  • George Washington Is Defeated

    George Washington Is Defeated
    George Washington is sent to claim Fort Necessity and they succeed in taking a thrid of the French forces. In retaliation the French and the Indians defeat the British at Fort Necessity. Washington surrenders after losing one-third of his force.
  • The Seven Years' War Officially Begins

    The Seven Years' War Officially Begins
    The Seven Years' War begins as Great Britain declares war on France expanding the North American conflict to Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.
  • Colonial Support

    Colonial Support
    William Pitt implements cooperative policies toward colonial legislatures to receive more colonial support for the war, the Treaty of Easton is signed with the Six Nations, and the British take control of the Forks of the Ohio.
  • British Take Quebec

    British Take Quebec
    After the British form a blockade against the French they can no longer get the resources and soldiers they need to continue to fight. French surrender Quebec after a battle outside the city on the Plains of Abraham with the British. This will lead to The British taking over all of Canada.
  • British Take Montreal - End of Conflict

    British Take Montreal - End of Conflict
    The British capture Montreal ending the conflict in North America. Although the battles in other continents continue with the French adn British.
  • End Of The Seven Year's War - Treaty Of Paris

    End Of The Seven Year's War - Treaty Of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris ends the war between Britain and France. This ends all the conflicts between the two contries. France give up almost the entire landmass they had in North America.