French and indian war

The French and Indian War

By breenj
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    The French and Indian War and Its Aftermath

    The French and Indian War is one of the preludes to the American Revolution. With the American Colonies and Great Britain fighting the French over North American land and Natives battling on either side, it was a crucial era for Imperial England. Even though they suffered substantial losses in the beginning, the British inevitably won the war, evicting the French from North America. Despite great victories, stricter laws were imposed upon the colonies creating tension with the motherland.
  • The French Build Fort Duquesne

    The French Build Fort Duquesne
    It was originally a British fort that the French seized before it was finished. This served as the site of a great French victory over England's General Edward Braddock in 1755. The British retook it for good in 1758 and named it Fort Pitt. This was a significant location throughout the French and Indian War. Several major battles occurred at Fort Duquesne.
  • The Battle of Fort Necessity

    The Battle of Fort Necessity
    During this battle, the French surprised the British with an attack. Due to shock and inclement weather, the British were unable to fight back. The engagement was one of the first battles in the French and Indian War, sparking battles in other areas and creating tension between the colonists, Britain, Natives, and the French. The battle was also George Washington’s first and only surrender. The battle contributed to a series of military escalations that resulted in the global Seven Years War.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    During the Albany Plan of Union, delegates from most of the northern colonies and representatives from the Six Iroquois Nations met in Albany, New York. There they adopted a "plan of union" drafted by Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania. Although never carried out, it was intended to create one governing body for all of the colonies. This was one of the earliest signs that the colonies were tired of British rule and had their own ideas on government.
  • William Pitt Becomes British Prime Minister

    William Pitt Becomes British Prime Minister
    Pitt served very effectively as a wartime Prime Minister. The previous Prime Minister, the Duke of Newcastle, attended to domestic affairs. He sent a strengthened British fleet to blockade French ports and provided supplies to Frederick the Great of Prussia. His policies resulted in victory over the French in India and Canada by land and sea. It was his actions that inevitably won the French and Indian War.
  • The Battle of Fort Duquesne

    The Battle of Fort Duquesne
    In this battle, 6,000 troops led by General John Forbes hoped to drive the French out of the contested Ohio Country (the upper Ohio River Valley) and clear the way for an invasion of Canada. Although labeled a battle, no fighting ever occurred. The British arrived after the French burned Duquesne and fled. This was a good sign for the British. A turning point of the war, Duquesne showed the growing British power.
  • The Battle of Quebec

    The Battle of Quebec
    After an attack on the fortified city of St. Lawrence that took the French by surprise, General Wolfe and his troops scaled the treacherous Heights of Abraham. This enabled the British to attack from both land and sea, using grenadiers. Despite great losses, such as the death of General Wolfe, the British forced the French to flee and surrender the province of Quebec. Although this is one of the earliest instances, this is one topic in the Treaty of Paris. The French gave up all of their land.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris in 1763 finally ended the French and Indian War. Once the war was over, the British and French began negotiations. The results of this treaty, included the French giving up all of their territory in North America.This was a significant victory for the British. Once the treaty was signed, Britain dominated North America. This not only took land away from one of their biggest rivals, but it stopped the British from worrying about a potential attack on the colonies.
  • George Grenville Becomes British Prime Minister

    George Grenville Becomes British Prime Minister
    After the French and Indian War, George Grenville was asked to take over as the British Prime Minister. He was stubborn and deeply interested in his own personal advancements. This caused him to be not well liked, especially by King George III. Despite this fact, he tried hard to be successful at his job. He was important because he imposed several new laws and taxes, which caused the number of his admirers to fall drastically in the colonies.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    Pontiac's Rebellion
    After France was forced to leave its land in North America, numerous Native tribes, led by Chief Pontiac of the Ottawa tribe, led raids on British forts around the area. Killing several British soldiers, the Indians made efforts to keep their territory free from English rule. Sadly, the Natives could not survive a battle without their French allies, so they surrendered in 1764. This was significant because it showed the Native resentment of England, setting up for the Proclamation of 1763.
  • British Parliament Passes the Proclamation of 1763

    British Parliament Passes the Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 was a preventive measure taken after Pontiac’s rebellion. It stated that the land to the left of the Appalachian Mountains could not be colonized by the people. Although it appeased the Natives, it generated mixed feeling in the colonies. This event was extremely significant because it started some of the preliminary stirrings of rebellion in the colonies. With the colonists viewing the Western Frontier as a land of opportunity, they loathed this new law.
  • Parliament Passes the Sugar Act

    Parliament Passes the Sugar Act
    The Sugar Act is one of the most important laws ever passed by George Grenville during his time as Prime Minister. By lowering the taxes on molasses, the British tried to stop the smuggling of the product. This increased revenue. In addition, this law took away the rights to trial by jury in the French regions the British claimed through the Treaty of Paris in 1763.The Sugar Act served to remedy two important problems. They were to pay off war debts and impose stricter rule in the colonies.