The Evolution of the Mac Computer

  • First Mac Computer

    First Mac Computer
    The first ever Mac Computer was introduced on April 1st, 1976 and was a wooden box with a keyboard.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Released in April, was the first computer marketed to costumers. It only supported upper case letters and color graphics.
  • Lisa OS

    Lisa OS
    The Lisa OS, named after Steve Job's daughter, was known as one of apple's most dissapointing products. It could have been caused by the drama between the developing team, or the incompatibility of the Lisa OS with the other apple software.
  • The Mac 128k

    The Mac 128k
    The Mac 128k was introduced during a Super Bowl commerical. It gave the public a new alternaitve to the IBM compatibles and Microsoft operating systems. It was a small screen with a very chunky monitor, a small keyoard, and a small mouse.
  • Mac II: Expandability Option

    The Mac II: Expandability Optional, was kept a secret by Steve Jobs because other products similar to this one stopped during the process and were never finished. It was the first open, expandable Mac that had a hard drive, 8bit/256 color video at 640x480, and 2 800k floppy drives. The screen was bigger than the Mac 128k, but still had the same look.
  • The Mac Portable

    The Mac Portable
    The Mac Portable weighed 15 pounds and had an ergonomic keyboard, trackball, and lead acid battery. It had ten hours of battery life and a 10 inch screen. It looked nothing like a present day laptop or the Mac II.
  • Macintosh Color Classic

    Macintosh Color Classic
    Macintosh Color Classic was the favorite of Macs because it signified the merging of two eras.It was last of the small footprint compact line, first with a colored screen, and introduced the smiling icon that appears everytime in a Mac start-up. It looked the same as the Mac II except the position of the monitor was standing vertically and had a smalle screen.
  • The iMac

    The iMac
    The iMac sold like "hot cakes" and earned Apple $414 million dollars. Athough the storage was not as good, it sold out in the color Bondi Blue.
  • The Mac Mini

    The Mac Mini
    The Mac Mini, the smallest and least expensive Mac, was a miniature computer with no mouse, no monitor. and no keyboard. It was a 6.5 inch square that was white with the Apple logo in the middle
  • MacBook Air

    MacBook Air
    The MacBook Air was released in January of 2008. It is known as "light as a feather, stiff as a board." It's compact and lightweight design allow a perfect computer for traveling.