The evolution of football helmets by Brian Haddow

  • The first football helmet

    The first football helmet
    The old football helmets were made out of leather. These were the first football helmets
  • The second football helmet ever made

    The second football helmet ever made
    This football helmet got a little bit bigger. And also wider
  • Improvement in safety

    Improvement in safety
    helmet was designed which helped evenly distribute the impact of the hi
  • Plastic helmets

    Plastic helmets
    The early models had a tendency to shatter but the two men created a new model with a tear drop shape that would disperse the impact to the side instead of head on.
  • Design

    Rams, created the first ever design on a football helmet
  • Radios

    They put radios inside the helmets for communication
  • New material

    New material
    The first poly carbonate helmet was designed and proved to much better than the rest.
  • ridell speed flex

    ridell speed flex
    This helmet absorbs hits very well with new high tech