The Enlightenment influenced the American Revolution because of Decleaction of Independence, the loss of money of King George, Intolerable Acts, Olive Branch Petition, and the Battles of Lexington and Concord

By wand18
  • social contract

    social contract
    The declaration of independence is related to the social contract because they are both contracts of course but they have to do with the social concept. Also, they have to do with the government and the people(Byrd)
  • seperation of church and goverment

    THe church and goverment were together to try and control the people more and come to things on a easier term. and so there is a more tolerable religous group. This has to due with olive branch petition because it is the government against the church(bryd)
  • THomas hobbs

    THomas hobbs
    "people are evil and selfish.' - hobbs war is basically what makes humans evil. Thats why this has to do with the the battles, they bring out the evil in humans(byrd)
  • seperation of powers

    seperation of powers
    the seperation of powers ahs to due with how the government will use its power to power over its citizens. It was created by monesquee. BUt it has to do with the loss of money becsue he is signing something that the citizens are not expecteing and not ready for.(byrd)
  • natural rights

    The natural rights of the enlightenment have to due with the natural rights of all human beings. With life, liberty, and property for all humans. This has to do with the intolerable acts because they are passing laws that violat their rights(bryd)
  • lost money

    lost money
    King George lost money because he was buying supplies for his army. So to pay it off he Imposed taxes without consent of the people. (pavao)
  • Intolerable acts

    Intolerable acts
    the King Imposed the intolerable acts because of the boston tea party. Which he just lists "laws" that the people now must follow. (pavao)
  • Decleration of Independence

    Decleration of Independence
    The declaration of independence, was a contract freeing the United states from power of Britain. The declaration lists the 13 colonies back to the United States of America. (archieves)
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    The olive branch petition was used to show their loyalty to king george, but the king did not eccept their attept at peace. And simply pushed it aside ignoring it. So in a way to respond to sent the proclomation. (pavao)
  • the Battles of Lexington and Concord

    the Battles of Lexington and Concord
    This is related to Pual Revers ride. The lexington battle was first with an attack. Good thing the colonists were ready for the attack. And because of that the were able to put the britsh all the way back to boston. (pavao)
  • conclusion

    In conclusion the enlightenment effected the American revolution because of the separation of powers, natural rights, ansd a socialc contract between humans
    Search instead for In conclusion the enlightment effected the American revoultion becasue of the speration of powers, natural rights, ansd a socialc contract between humans
  • works cited

    "Causes of the American Revolution." Causes of the American Revolution. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2016. Jeremyange91. "Enlightenment Thinkers." YouTube. YouTube, 18 Dec. 2013. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.