French revolution

The Enlightenment

  • Hobbes Publishes Leviathan.

    Hobbes Publishes Leviathan.
  • Locke publishes Two Treatises on Government.

    Locke publishes Two Treatises on Government.
    Promoted represenitive government.
  • Montesquieu published Persian Letters

    Montesquieu published Persian Letters
    Reason used to liberate the mind.
  • Voltaire published Philosophic Letters to the English.

    Voltaire published Philosophic Letters to the English.
    Criticized problems facing France at the time.
  • Rousseau published The Social Contract, Emile.

    Rousseau published The Social Contract, Emile.
    An ttempt to unite the liberty of the individual with the authority of the government.
  • Voltaire published Treaties on Toleration.

    Voltaire published Treaties on Toleration.
  • Holbach published Systems of Nature.

    Holbach published Systems of Nature.
    Stated that the universe is made up of matter and motion.
  • Immanuel Kant publishes his Critique of Pure Reason

    Immanuel Kant publishes his Critique of Pure Reason
    His analysis of the human mind and how it relates to nature.
  • Enlightenment Philosopher Condorcet published a treatise on the rights of women.

    Enlightenment Philosopher Condorcet published a treatise on the rights of women.
    He said that women have the same natural rights as men.
  • The beginning of the French Revolution!

    The beginning of the French Revolution!
    The over throw of Louis XVI and other leaders who were not good leaders
  • Olympe de Gouges published a Declaration of the Rights of Woman.

    Olympe de Gouges published a Declaration of the Rights of Woman.
    the Female Citizen follows the seventeen articles of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen point for point
  • Thomas Paine's Rights of Man was written

    Thomas Paine's Rights of Man was written
    Paine argues that the interests of the monarch and his people are united and Human rights originate in Nature, So rights cannot be taken away
  • Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason was written

    Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason was written
    it highlights what Paine saw as corruption of the Christian Church and criticizes its efforts to acquire political power