The Devolopment of Labor Unions

  • The national trade Union

    The national trade Union
    The first national union.
  • Commonwealth vs Hunt

    Commonwealth vs Hunt
    a massachusetts court ruled that unions were legal.
  • American Fedartion of Labor

    American Fedartion of Labor
    founded by Samuel Gompers, organized skilled workers by crafts. They fought for higher wages, shorter hours, and improved working conditions through collective bargaining.
  • The Homestead Strike

    The Homestead Strike
    became violent when the steel company hiredprivate police to protect strike breakers. In ensuing confrontation, nine strikers and several police officers were killed.
  • The International World of Workers

    The International World of Workers
    For unskilled workers and Immagrants, advocatedone large national union that would use strikes and sabotage to achieve its goals, as opposed to the more peaceful American Fedaration of Labor.
  • Clayton Act

    Clayton Act
    allowed picketing and limited the use of injunctions in labor disputes.
  • National Labor Relations Act

    National Labor Relations Act
    protected the rights of workers to organize and elect representatives for collective bargaining.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Fair Labor Standards Act
    established a minimum wage and time and a half for over forty hours of work a week.
  • The AFL & CIO

    The AFL & CIO
    Merged in 1955