
The Development of My Language Ability

  • Birth Date

    I borned in San Sebastian, Puerto Rico. Spanish was my first language.
  • Journey to the United States

    My parents moved to Newark, New Jersey. I started to get exposed to the English language.
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    Elementary School

    I studied in a Catholic Elementary School until fourth grade. At home I was developing the Spanish language and at school I developed the English language.
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    Studied in a School in Puerto Rico

    I moved back to Puerto Rico and studied fifth and sixth grade at Juan Cardona Elementary School. Spanish was the main language developed and English as one hour period class.
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    Junior High School

    I studied in Junior High School. Spanish was the first language and English was still an hour period class.
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    High School

    I studied at Manuel Mendez Liciaga School. Spanish was my first language and English was one period class, I was learning my second language.
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    Studyied my Bachelor Degree

    I studyed accountability in Spanish, but most of the books were in English, so I improved my English language skills.
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    Studyied to become Elementary Teacher

    I started studying in the Interamerican University the courses to become an Elementary teacher.
  • I became an English Teacher

    I started working as an English teacher for the Department of Education.
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    English Teacher Certification

    I studyed the certification to become an English teacher. My English improved during this certification.