
The Death of President Lincoln

  • Kidnapping Plot

    Kidnapping Plot
    John Wilkes Booth and his henchmen make a plot to stop President Lincoln's carriage and kidnap him. They want to take Lincoln to the South's capitol.
  • The War Ends

    The War Ends
    The Union, or the North, beats the Confederate States of America, or the South, in the Civil War.
  • Assassination Plot

    Assassination Plot
    John Wilkes Booth, David Herold, Lewis Powell, and David Atzeroldt create a plan to kill the Unoin's President, Vice President, and Secratary of State.
  • Arrival

    Abraham Lincoln, Mary Todd Lincoln, and their guests arrive at Ford's Threatre thirty minutes late to see a play.
  • President Shot

    President Shot
    Actor John Wilkes Booth sneaks up behind Lincoln and his guests while they are seeing a play. Booth then shoots President Lincoln in the back of the head.
  • Have A Drink

    Have A Drink
    John Wilkes Booth checks and sees how much longer he has until it is time to kill President Lincoln. He then proceeds to go have a drink at a bar near the theatre.
  • Secretary of State

    Secretary of State
    On April 14, David Herold tries to assassinate Secretary of State, William Seward.
  • Manhunt

    On April 14, 1865, the manhunt for President Lincoln's and William Seward's killers is on. The hunters will get a big cash prize for finding the killers.
  • Bridge

    On April 14, John Wilkes Booth convinced the guards of a bridge to let him cross into Maryland. This was soon after Lincoln's assassination.
  • Leaving Dr. Mudd's Home

    Leaving Dr. Mudd's Home
    John Wilkes Booth and David Herold are forced to leave Dr. Mudd's home immediately.
  • Lincoln's Removal

    Lincoln's Removal
    Doctors remove blood and brain from Lincoln's hair. They also take out the blood and organs from his body.
  • R.I.P. Horses

    R.I.P. Horses
    David Herold and John Wilkes Booth kill their horses and get rid of the bodies.
  • Confronted

    Thomas Jones confronts the assassins. He wants to help them avoid manhunters.
  • Boarding House

    Boarding House
    Lewis Powell attempts to hide from manhunters at the boarding house, but police are already there to arrest him.
  • Atzerodt

    George Atzerodt gives himself up to the police because he thinks that they will let him go. Turns out he was wrong.
  • Booth Shot

    Booth Shot
    John Wilkes Booth was shot in the neck while he was in the Garrett's tobacco barn.
  • Hanged

    Four of the conspirators in the assassination plot were hanged.
  • Mudd

    On April 15, 1865, John Wilkes Booth and David Herold visit Dr. Mudd's home. There they rest for as long as they can.
  • Abandoned

    On April 14, David Herold who served as Lewis Powell's escort abandoned Powell. Lewis Powell was left at William Seward's home.
  • Save Lincoln

    Save Lincoln
    On April 14, 1865, Dr. Leale attempted to save President Abraham Lincoln. He also found out what had killed the President.