
The Constitution

  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    Certain events added up to the overall outcome of the Boston Tea party but it was the crowns attemp to tax tea that made the colonists take action. On the 16th the "Sons of liberty'' went to Bostion Harbor dressed as indians on British ships and dumped forty-five tons of tea into the boston harbor.
  • First Continental congress meets

    First Continental congress meets
    They met in Philadelphia, due to the intolerable acts .Twelce of the thirteen colonies sent delegates. They discussed the rights and wrongs of the rules tha England enforced on them. All agreed on how much control the British should have over the colonies and concluded that unfair laws were passed.
  • Revolutionary War Begins

    Revolutionary War Begins
    When Colonists protested and declared to live under fair law, they wanted representation for their taxes in the British government. It wasnt until they began to tax tea that really ended up being a major event that lead up to the Revolutionary war.
  • 2nd Continental Congress meets

    2nd Continental Congress meets
    Many out of the 56 delegates who attended the first meeting were at the second meeting. They gathered to discuss governmental duties, the revolutionary war had already began.
  • Declaration of independence was signed

    Declaration of independence was signed
    Mostly written by Thomas Jefferson The Declartaion of Independence is a document that declared United State's independence. The voting was a long process, went on from July 2 - July 4 where it was ratified. John Hancock was the first to sign it, followed by what we now know as the founding father's and more.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The Articles of Confederation represent the first constitutional agreement made between the 13 American states.
  • Revolutionary War Ends

    Revolutionary War Ends
    Officially over when the Treaty of Paris was signed, treaty that officially ended the Revolutionary War. Signed in Paris by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay. Under the treaty terms Britain recognized the US as an independent nation.
  • Final Draft of the Constitution Signed

    Final Draft of the Constitution Signed
    Convention took place in Philadelphia, Pensylvania. They met in regard of the Articles of Confederation they felt the need of a more centralized government