The color purple book

The Color Purple

  • Exposition

    The exposition begins with the main protagonist, Celie, being abused by her father. having sexually abused, Celei would pray and write to God to tell him what she is thinking. Celeie has no rights or freedom and being Afrian American during the 1900s, meant little or no respect. As a young woman, she cannot protect herself from the tyranny of men surrounding her.
  • Conflict

    The conflict in the novel would be sexism. Celie's marriage with Mr.____ often has been abusive and and involves multiple mistreatments. Being an obedient woman that she is, Celie doesn't fight back and struggles to stay strong through all that she has been through. From childhood experiences of abuses and rapes, Celie couldn't find her strength to end her life of mistreatments and obeys only to the men of the house.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    The rising action follows Celie as she is separted from her sister Nettie. Sold to a man of abuse, Celie was a sex object to produce children and take care of the house and must obey every word that her husband- whom she was forced to marry and not love.
  • Turning Point

    Turning Point
    The turning point is when Celie finds herself in love and intrigued with Mr. _____'s girlfriend, a singer called Shug Avery. Finding only peace and comfort around Shug, Celie has found her safe haven where she could feel at ease and comfortable. Unexpectedly, both of them fall in love and move to Tennessee together to leave behind thier past.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    Once Mr. ____ is alone and without Celie accompanying him and listening to what he says, Mr. ___ takes what he has done to her for-granted. Thinking about the rude and disrespectful actions that he has said and done to Celie, he realized that he was not a very kind and understanding husband.
  • Resolution

    the resolution begins with Celie, Shug, and Mr.____ accompanying each other on the porch and enjoying each other's presence. Then Nettie, Celie's younger sister arrives at their house with her own family and the sisters were reunited after many years of separation. Both sister's finally got to see each other for the first time without having to communicate through letters of longing.