The Cold War Events

  • End of WWII

    End of WWII
    WWII ended with the Germans surrendering on May 8, 1945. Hitler was already dead, after committing suicide, and Soviet forces occupied most of the country. The alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union had become strained due to a lack of cooperation between the two groups towards the end of the war.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was started by President Harry Truman, in which America would provide economic assistance to help rebuild Western European countries after WWII.
  • NATO

    Nato was created to provide security against the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It was started by Canada, the U.S, and other Western European countries.
  • THe Berlin Blockade

    THe Berlin Blockade
    After WWII, the Soviet Union blocked the Western Allies' railway, road, and canal access to the western controlled sectors of Berlin. This was called the Berlin Blockade. The Allies responded by airlifting supplies to the people of Berlin.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    After Japan fell in WWII, Korea was finally free to govern themselves, however the Soviet Union wanted to expand the communist influence, whereas America wanted to stop communism, this led to the division and war in Korea.
  • The Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact, or the Warsaw Treaty Organization, was a political and military alliance created by the Soviet Union and several Eastern European countries in response to NATO.
  • Khrushchev Calls for Peaceful Coexistence

    Khrushchev Calls for Peaceful Coexistence
    Khrushchev believed in communism, but wanted peaceful coexistence with other capitalist countries. He disagreed with Stalin's methods and hoped to undo them.
  • The Hungarian Uprising

    The Hungarian Uprising
    The people of Hungary were ruled by Communist Russia, however, the death of Stalin did not weaken the grip Moscow had on Hungary. Students and workers started a protest and requested personal freedom, more food, the removal of the secret police, and the removal of Russian control.
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was a concrete barrier, that included guard towers and continual watch, built to divide western Berlin from the east. It was built on August 13, 1961, and its demolition began on June 13, 1990.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    When the Soviet Union placed nuclear bombs in Cuba, people feared an all out nuclear war and President Kennedy enacted a blockade in Cuba.
  • Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty

    Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty
    The objective of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty was to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and technology. They looked to promote cooperation uses of nuclear energy and to achieve nuclear disarmament
  • Prague Spring Ends

    Prague Spring Ends
    The Prague Spring was the period the Czechoslovakian government tried to democratize the nation. It ended when the Soviet Union invaded and removed the party leader, Alexander Dubček.
  • Helsinki Accords

    Helsinki Accords
    NATO and the member countries of the Warsaw Pact came made an agreement in 1975, that all European countries borders were not allowed to be altered by force, promoted exchanges in trade and technology, and respect human rights and freedoms.
  • End of the Vietnam War

    End of the Vietnam War
    The domino theory suggested that a communist government in one country would lead to a communist takeover in other countries surrounding it.The U.S. government had used the theory to justify its involvement in the Vietnam War.
  • Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

    Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
    The Soviet Union sent troops into Afghanistan and took control of Kabul's military. This resulted in further complications between America and Russia.
  • Democracy Movement in Poland

    Democracy Movement in Poland
    Poland was under the control of communism, but the people wanted change, and after about thirty years the Polish government started a movement twards democracy.
  • Destruction of the Berlin Wall

    Destruction of the Berlin Wall
    When the wall was built, families had been separated for years, but when it was destroyed, people from East and West Germany were reunited. The destruction created unity between East and West Germany.
  • The End of the Warsaw Pact

    The End of the Warsaw Pact
    Movements against communism throughout Eastern Europe began to impact the Warsaw Pact. East Germany left the Pact to reunite with West Germany. Poland and Czechoslovakia also wished to withdraw. Due to the increase in protests, the Soviet Union eventually backed out as well.
  • The START Treaty

    The START Treaty
    The START treaty was a bilateral negotiation between US and USSR. It was an agreement to regulate the nuclear weapons/technology trade.
  • End of the Soviet Union/ Cold War

    End of the Soviet Union/ Cold War
    When the Soviet Union disintegrated, it was split into fifteen different countries. The west considered this as a victory for freedom and democracy, capitalism over socialism, and the defeat of totalitarianism.