Cold war

The Cold War

  • The United Nations

    The United Nations
    The United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union meet at Yalta, and later at Potsdam, to plan the postwar world. The United Nations was formed. The United Nations was an international peacekeeping organization.
  • Communism

    Soviet leader Joseph Stalin predicts the worldwide triumph of communism. He created what is called "Cominform". Cominform was an agency intended to cootdinate the activities of Communist parties around the world. His goal was to get all of the communist parties together, and take down the US.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    THe Marshall Plan provides U.S. aid to Europe. This was the first time The Marshall Plan assisted in something other than Finance. Such as weapons, ammo, food, etc.
  • NATO

    NATO is formed to defend Europe against the communists. NATO was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. They proclaimes that "an armed attack against one or more of them... shall be considered an attack on them all."
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The Korean War begins. It was a civil war in Korae. The North vs South. The north poured over the 38th parallel and into the South. This was the first action of The Cold War. The Americans jumped in and helpes the South because the North was Communism. The war ended in July of 1953.
  • Hydrogen bomb

    Hydrogen bomb
    The Soviet Union successfully tested their own hydrogen bomb. This hydrogen bomb was 750 times more powerful than the atomic bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki in World War 2. When this happened, Eisenhower stepped up American's weapons development.
  • The Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact is formed.The Warsaw Pact is a military alliance with its satellite nations in Eastern Europe.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Eisenhower Doctrine
    The President proclaims the Eisenhower Doctrine. This polcy stated that the United States would use force "to safeguard the independence of any country or group of countries in the Middle East requesting aid against aggression."
  • Sputnik Satellite

    Sputnik Satellite
    The Soviet Union launched one of their rockets to launch their Sputnik satellite. The Sputnik was the first artifical satellite to orbit Earth.The Americans were even more shocked and feared because Sputnik could carry a hydrogen bomb and drop it on the Americans.