
The Civil Rights Movement - Changing the Laws

By Bri A.
  • Atlantic Slave Trade

    Atlantic Slave Trade
    -African Americans begin being shipped to North America as slaves.
    -Europeans took A.A. because of expierence.
    -Legislature banned slave trade (1807-1808)
  • Ratification of the U.S. Constitution

    Ratification of the U.S. Constitution
    -Checks and balances.
    -Writers decided slaves will count as three-fifhs of a person when deciding how many reps. each state will have in Congress.
    -Framework for organization and for the relationship of the fed. gov.,states,citizens, and all the people within the U.S.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    -Allowed people in each state to be a slave state or not.
    -Designed a even number of free and slave states.
    -36-30 Parallel
    -A law that helped avoid fighting between slave and free state untill Civil War.
  • Presidency of Abraham Lincoln

    Presidency of Abraham Lincoln
    -Wrote the Emancipation Proclamation.
    -Proclamtion:Freed many slaves and was made to punish South for breakinga way from the country during the Civil War.
    -Southerns did not liek Lincoln and what he stood for.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    -Ends slave trade to the U.S but allows slavery to continue.
    -Was given to resolve disputes over slavery.
    -California turned to be free state.
    -Northern Abolitonists said slavery should be abolished, whyile sounterns wanted fugitive slave law.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    -Fought for freedom.
    -Since taken into a free state should be free from owner and south.
    -Supreme Court decided since he was "property" and was a A.A he had no right to sue.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    -Wiped out Missouri Compromise.
    -People fighting over Kansas if slavery should be in the state, otherwise known as "Bloody Kansas."
    -North disagreed about slavery while the south agreed to it.
  • Haper's Ferry

    Haper's Ferry
    -John Brown attacks the military arsenal and starts a slave revolt and ends slavery.
    -Brown founded guilty at Jefferson County Courthouse.
    -Senteced to death; Was hung in Charles Town on December 2nd of 1859.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    -Announced the end of slavery in the South
    -South broke away from the U.S; Slavery then didnt end until the country was back together.
    -Freeing slaves was Lincoln's way of punishing the South for breaking away from the country.
  • Reconstruction

    -A period that took place after the Civil War.
    -During this time period laws were changed and gave African Americans more rights while the Union protected these rights.
    -Had changed the lives of many people in the south such as plantation owners, African Americans, women, small farmers, etc.
  • Civil War Amendments

    Civil War Amendments
    It stated in the year of 1865 when the 13th amendment was ratified, then in the year of 1866 the 14th was too. Lastly was the 15th amendment of 1869.
    -13th: Freed all slavesin the United States.
    -14th amendment: Made all freed slaves US citizens.
    -15th amendment: Allowed the right to vote for all freed slaves in US.
  • KKK

    -The KKK was created on December 24, 1865 by 6 well educated confederate veterans.
    - The first leader was Nathan Bedford Forrest.
    -In 1868 the KKK stated to terroize the African Americans.
    -Terroized A.A by lynching,discriminating,etc. .
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    -Made it legal to have segregation in trains, cars, and buses.
    -Case had gone to Supreme Court where Plessy tried to end segregation and unfair treatment.
    -"Separate is NOT Equal"
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    -A more successful Supreme Court battle aganist segregation.
    -This was all in Topeka, Kansas.
    -Okiver Brown was first of many parents to sign up for a group court case for kids living in this area that had to walk many miles for school to catch a bus to take them to an all-black school.
    -This made the court's decision to make it illegal to segregate schools.
  • Briggs v. Elliot

    Briggs v. Elliot
    -"Separate but Equal"
    - A case because of the unlawfulness for pupils of one race to attent the schools provided by boards of trustees for persons of another race.
    -Case was dismissed and went to school district (who had won).
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964
    -President Kennedy helped to make laws to end segregation.
    -Made it illegal to force African Americans to use separte schools, theaters, restaurants, buses, restrooms, and trains.
    -Ended unequal application of voter registration requirements.