The Boston Tea Party

By HalleNK
  • 1765

    Prime Minister George Grenville enacts the Stamp Act.
  • 1767

    Parliament enacts the Townshend Acts.
  • March 5, 1770

    March 5, 1770
    The Boston Massacre takes place outside of the Boston Customs House.
  • May 1773

    May 1773
    Parliament passes the Tea Act
  • November 28, 1773

    November 28, 1773
    The Dartmouth arrives in the Boston Harbor with the first shipment of tea.
  • November 30, 1773

    November 30, 1773
    Due to the disagreement with the Tea Act by the Bostonian, John Singleton Copley decides to mediate between the Consignees and the Bostonian. The Bostonian find the offer of the Consignees to store the tea as unacceptable.
  • December 13, 1773

    December 13, 1773
    Bostonian learn that Consignees in Philadelphia and New York resign.
  • December 16, 1773

    December 16, 1773
    Bostonians make a last attempt to try and convince Governor Hutchinson to send the tea back, but their efforts are futile.
    Samuel Adams declares "This meeting can do nothing more to save this country"
    While leaving the church, a group of people shouted "Boston harbor a tea-pot tonight! the Mohawks are come!"