The American Revolution

  • navigaton acts

    also called act for the Encouragement
  • Period: to

    french and idiaan war

    the seven years war
    it left Great britian with a huge debt
    fought to protect the americans aganist the powerful french in canda
  • george 3 become king

    he become king after his dad died
  • stamp act

    passed by the british parliament it was imposed on all americans and required them to a tax on every piece of paper they used
  • boston tea party

    protest from the lsons of iberty
  • Period: to

    first contijnental congress

    a meeting between twelve of the thirteen colines
  • second continental cpngress

    the thirteen colonies meet in summer 1775
    its a reconvening from the first meeting
  • declaration of independence

    jonh adams was the leader in pushing the declaration
    john adams push for thomas jefferson to write the original draft of the document