The American Revolution

  • The French and Indian War begins

    The French and Indian War begins
    France and Britain were figting over colonial dominance in North America. The colonists wanted more land for their tobacco farming so George Washington and some other members of the Virginia militia went into French territory and tryed to control the Ohio River. Yet, they were chased back to British territory and the French and Indian War began. The French did well at the beginning of the war, but after the British won the the battles at Quebec and Montreal, the tides changed and the British won
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War. It was signed by Great Britain, France and Spain with portugal in agreement. In the treaty, England gained all the land south of the Great Lakes and west of the Appalachain Mountains up to the Mississippi River.
  • Royal Proclamation

    Royal Proclamation
    After winning the territory south of the Great Lakes and west of the Appalachain Mountains, the American colonists were overjoyed because they needed the land for their tobacco farming. Yet, when they settled into the new land, tribes of Indians violenty attacked them. Trying to protect the colonists, British Parlament prohibited anyone from living in this new territory. The colonists were angry because they felt the deserved this land. So they ignored the proclamation and lived there anyways.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    English Parlament passed the Sugar and Molasses Act that stated colonial merchants had to pay a tax to import foreign molassas and sugar. They passed it to get money to pay for the troops in North America who were protecting the colonists from the Indians. Also added to the list of taxed items were certain wines, coffee, pimiento, cambric , and further, regulated the export of lumber and iron. This act disrupted the colonial economy by reducing the markets to which the colonies could sell.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    This tax was passed by British Parlament on the colonists making them pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used. This included ship's papers, legal documents, licenses, newspapers, other publications, and playing cards. Like the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act was passed to get money to pay for the 10,000 solders protecting the colonists from the Indians trying to attack them. This upset the colonists because they felt they shouldnt be taxed without being represented in Parlament.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    28 delagates from 9 states attended the Stapm Act Congress. This Congress passed the Stamp Act Resolutions and developed economic stratagies to pressure Parlament to repeal the Stamp Act. These economic stratagies included boycotting British goods and paper products.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    This Act put tax on glass, paint, oil, lead, paper, and tea for the colonists to raise money for the administration of the colonies. These taxes brought back all the same hostilities towred England that were present during the Stamp Acts. After seeing how protesting worked for them during the Stamp Acts, the colonists decided to do the same thing to get Parlament to retract the Townshend Acts.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    On this evening, colonists were throwing snowballs and other objects at the British Solders in Boston out of anger in their presence. A shot was fired into the mob and along with others that followed. In the end, 3 colonists were killed on the spot and 8 were injured, and 2 died later. The colonists strongly opposing Britain used the incident to rais colonist resentment for England. In turn, all of the solders present were put on trial and two were sentanced to death.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    On this evening, many colonists dressed as Indians and snuck on British ships filed with British Tea. Out of anger on the high tea tax, the colonists dumped pounds and pounds of tea into Bosto Harbor. They dumped in enough tea for every person in Boston to have 100 cups of tea. This sent a clear message to English Parlament but they wern't just going to role over this time.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    This Congress met for the first time in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia. They met to deal with the Intollerable Acts that English Parlament had passed as punnishment for the Boston Tea Party. Every colony, with an exception of Georgia, sent delagates, who were elected by the people. This Congress met with many different idesa, some states wanted to reconnect with Britain while others wanted to seperate completely. In the end, a declaration of colonial rights was drafted and sent to London.
  • Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty"

    Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty"
    Closing his speech, Delegate Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty or give me death." In this speech, he tried to convince the Virginia House of Burgesses to pass a resolution delivering the Virginia troops to the Revolutionary War. This singlehandedly was the reason Virginia troops entered the Revolutionary War.
  • Battles of Lexington & Concord

    Battles of Lexington & Concord
    This was the first engagement between the British and the Americans. The British were ordered to arrest John Handcock and Samuel Adams in Lexington and destroy the American's supply of arms and ammunition in Concord. William Dawes and Paul Revere were sent to warn Handcock, Adams, and the minutmen. A shot was fired and was followed by others, killing 8 colonists. The colonist solders hid in the woods and ambushed the British they martched to Boston. The colonists proved they were a threat.
  • Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

    Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
    On this evening, Paul Revere was sent by Dr. Joseph Warren to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams that British troops were martching to arrest them. After rowing across the Charles River into Charles Town, he borrowed a hoarse and rode through the contryside alarming people as he went. After warning them, he was arrested by a British Patrol with William Dawes and Samuel Prescott. The other two men escaped but Revere was held for some time before being released.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Continental Army knew that their best bet of winning was location so they took over Bunker Hill, the highest point in Charleston. The British divided into 2 groups, one went up the front of the hill while the other tried to sneek up on the back side. They had two unsuccessful attacks before reenforcements came for both sides. Britain's third attempt was a success (mostly because the Continental Army was outof amunition) and the Americans retreated. The battle was a pyrrhic victory for Britan
  • "Common Sense" published

    "Common Sense" published
    Thomas Paine published this 50 page pamphlet in 1776 where he openly questioned the authority of the British Government and the royal monarchy. This piece of writing raised colonist maoral against Englaind and its opressve monarchy. Only a few months after its publication, this pamphlet sold over 500,000 copies. It is credited by many to be a major force leading to the Declaration of Indipendence.
  • British evacuated Boston

    British evacuated Boston
    Washington lead his troops to take Dorchester Heights, a key spot in Boston. British troops tried to destroy American ships bringing in cannons from Fort Ticonderoga but a storm got in their way. It was then that the British realized they could no longer hold their possition in Boston. 11,000 British solders along with 1000 Loyalists departed Boston on March 17 and safely reached Halifax, Nova Scotia. This day marked the end of a hated 8-year British occupation of the city.
  • Second Continental Congress meets

    Second Continental Congress meets
    A second Continental Congress met after the battle of Lexington and Concord. These 65 delegates met on May 10, 1776 in the State House in Philidalphia, Pennsilvania. They decided to completely break away from Great Britain, oficially put the colonies in a state of defence, appoint George Washington as comander-in-cheif of the Continental Army, print paper money, and form and sign the Decleration of Indipendence. This second Continental Congress made many important decisions.
  • Declaration of Indipendence announced

    Declaration of Indipendence announced
    The Continental Congress voted in secret to approve the Declaration of Indipendence, written by Thomas Jefferson, on July 4, 1776. It wasn't until 4 days later that the signing of the Declaration of Indipendence was announced to the public. They sent the Sheriff of Philidalphia County to read the Declaration to the croud that was gathered behind Indipendece Hall.
  • Washington captures Trenton

    Washington captures Trenton
    In early December, Washington and troops reached the Deleware River and crossed it. They then took shelter in Bucks County. Instead of regrouping during the winter season, Washington made a bold decission to attack the Hension troops left by the British. Washington and his troops crossed the river in the early morning and after crossing, they marched to Trenton. He devided his troops into two and this plan worked perfectly. The Hessians were defeated and many of them were captured.
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga
    Fort Ticonderoga was a remote post on Lake Champlain that guarded the narrow water highway connecting New France with the British American colonies. The fort was controlled by the British from the French and Indian War but was taken over in 1775 by the Americans. Then, during the American Revolution, 7213 British troops with some 150 Canadians battled 3000 American Troops lead by St. Clair. The Americans failed hold there possition at Fort Ticonderoga British troops seized it.
  • Winter at Vally Forge, PA

    Winter at Vally Forge, PA
    The Continental Army spent 6 months encaped neer Philidalphia, PA under General George Washington. There was no actual fighting taking place during these 6 months, the American Army had to battle the brutal elements of the winter. The troops did not have the propor clothing or shelter. Most of the troops became ill from the cold and they were always hungry. These winter months helped train the Continental Army into the kind needed to win the war.
  • British defeated at Saratoga

    British defeated at Saratoga
    In early October, Gate's American Army was positioned between Albany and Burgoyne's British Army. Burgoyne and his troops attacked just South of the town of Saratoga. His Army was broken and 86 percent of it was captured.
  • John Paul Jones defeats the Serapis

    John Paul Jones defeats the Serapis
    John Paul Jones lead the Bonhomme Richard to defeat the H.S. Serapis. The battle took place at point-blank range and it lasted about three and a half hours. He won the battle and took the Serapis as a prize. Later in the day, while abourd the Srapis, he watched the Bonhomme Richard sink. He then spoke his most famos words, " I have not yet begun to fight!"
  • Benedict Arnold plans found out

    Benedict Arnold plans found out
    Benedict Arnold married a woman named Peggy Shippen. She bgan a corraspondance with her old friend Major John Andre, Chief of Intelligence for the British Army. Soon enough, Andre and Arnold were negotiating Arnold's betrayl of the American cause. They corresponded for months during which Arnold frequently supplied the British with information on American plans. They tried to meet and Andre got out of uniform behind American lines. He was captured and his plans were found out. Arnold escaped.
  • Cornwallis surrenders

    Cornwallis surrenders
    On October 19, 1781, Cornwallis formally surendered 8,000 British solders and seamen to a Franco-American force at Yorktown. Cornwallis had setlled his troops in Yorktown and troops of the Continental Army were sent to block the British troops from making a land escape. Meenwhile, Washington and his troops joined the french and went to attack Cornwallis and his troops. They gradually overcame Cornwallis and his troops until they surrendered.
  • "The Crisis" published

    "The Crisis" published
    Thomas Paine wrote this collection of articles spaning from December 23, 1776 to April 19, 1783. These articles were all about his support of the American Revolution. These articles greatly increaced colonial moral.