
The Age of Enlightenment

By ddailey
  • Jan 1, 1454

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    Without the printing press ideas could only be spread though voice. When philosophers were able to publish their works many more people could learn and discuss their ideas.
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Copernicus and Heliocentrism

    Copernicus and Heliocentrism
    First one to adress the faults of geocentrism. Publishes works concerning the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres. By questioning something as basic as wich planet roates around wich Copernicus started a trend of people questioning the world around them.
  • Invention of Telescope

    Invention of Telescope
    Hans Lippershey invents first known working telescope. Wich would lead to astronomers around the globe studying stars and planets around them in greater detail than ever before.
  • Galileo

    Starts observing space with telescope and publishes some work on sunspots. Galileo started a revolution of studying objects that were million miles away wich lead to a greater understanding of the galaxy around us,
  • Keplers Findings on Planets and how they move

    Keplers Findings on Planets and how they move
    Discovers three laws of planetary motion.i.e planets move in elipticals not cirlces.Keplers three laws are still accepted today. Although, the reason why he thought plantes moved in general has now been disproven .
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    Pushes for more science and rational in government. This signifacant because he was the first person to push the enlightenment not only to the people but also to the governing body of the people. This would allow the introdution of more theories and ideas to the public .
  • Leviathan

    Hobbes publishes Leviathan a book that speaks on the structure of society and legitimate government. Considered to be one of the first works on social contract theory, the idea that the people must agree to be governed for the government to have legitament power.
  • Newtons Law's

    Newtons Law's
    Discovers three laws of motion and gravatation that are still widely accepted today. Newton got right down to the basics of why things do what they do. This is important to the enlightenment era because it shows that this was the first time people sat down and thought about the small things around them, like an apple falling from a tree.
  • Locke

    Published anonymously by Jon Locke, Two Treatises of Government was a works of political philosophy wicg spoke of a more civil society based on natural rights and contract theory
  • Montesquieu

    Publishes " Spirirt of Laws" anonymously because his works were subject to censorship. First to discuss serperation of powers and constitutional theory. This was important because he layed the foundation for wich one day our constitution would be built on.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    French revolution begins. Now that all these people had strong values and beliefs for how the government should be run they revolted against the absolute monarchy of France and pressed for liberty and natural rights.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    Louis XVI was executed in Paris,France on January 21, 1793. After the fall of the french government Luis XVI was executed via guillotine. This marked the final defat of the french government and the birth of rights and freedom for the french.