The Affects of the Vietnam War on the U.S.

By Sean21
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was passed to allow for presidents to take any action they see fit. This allowed Johnson and his administration to do as they please with the military.
  • Largest anti-war protest

    On October 21, 1967, 100,000 people gathered at the Lincoln Memorial. There were brutal attacks between the protesters and the U.S. soldiers.
  • The Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive was the push by the North Vietnamese to attack the South, this event proved to the American people that the war was going to go on for longer than they had hoped. The offensive sparked anti-war protests because people didn't want to keep sending their family members to be killed.
  • The Draft

    The draft was opened up again to get men to join the war. The draft would affect U.S. men that were born from January 1, 1944, to December 31, 1950. From the years of 1964 to 1973 2.2 million men were drafted.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resoluton is repealed

    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is repealed by Congress because it gave too much power to the presidents. Congress found it unfit for presidents to be able to use the military as they pleased.
  • The Kent States Massacre

    The Kent States Massacre was the killing of 4 college students that were protesting the Vietnam War. The Ohio national guard was called on May 2 to suppress the protest, on May 4 they had opened fire on the crowd.
  • The Pentagon Papers

    The Pentagon Papers proved that every president since Truman had lied about U.S. goals and events that took place in Vietnam. The papers had exposed the plans that the presidents had to further the war.
  • Nixon's impeachment

    The Judicial Committee passes the articles of impeachment against Nixon for abuse of power, contempt with Congress, and obstruction of justice. Nixon had used his power to begin an invasion of Cambodia, order the national guard to suppress the protest which led to the Kent State Massacre. He had also tried to steal information from the Democratic National Comitee.