Teotihuacan historia


  • 100 BCE

    1.-The birth of Teotihuacán

    1.-The birth of Teotihuacán
    From the year 100 BC to 850 AD, the city of Teotihuacán became one of the great metropolises in the area. It was a village that gained importance as a center of worship in the basin of Mexico. Its privileged location and its large size (over an area of ​​about 20 square kilometers) made it possible for this city to house more than 150,000 citizens.
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    2.- Urban design

    2.- Urban design
    Teotihuacán stands out for its urban structure. The city was organized through a perfectly structured road system. In addition, it also had an innovative drainage system, the Teotihuacans thought of everything.
    Historians have also evidenced the existence of residential complexes, and today many of these areas are still preserved and distinguished.
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    4.-Pyramids of Teotihuacán

    4.-Pyramids of Teotihuacán
    They were built through an innovative technique. To reach the top, the use of platforms on the walls alternated. That is, on an inclined wall the stones were placed on various platforms. In this way, the construction process was accelerated and many “occupational accidents” were avoided.
  • 150

    3.-The Road of the Dead

    3.-The Road of the Dead
    formed the central axis of the city. It is estimated that this "street" extended for 5 kilometers, and that it was about 40 meters wide. Along this route are the pyramids of the city, and it is said that the Teotihuacans were buried in the mounds that were located along this road. Hence the dark name of this road
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    5.-Pyramid of the Sun

    5.-Pyramid of the Sun
    At 65 meters high, the Pyramid of the Sun is proclaimed as the largest archaeological building in the city. It was built around the year 200 BC. Its centralized location makes it a key element in the city. The pyramid represented the strength of civilization and the fertility of the people.
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    6.- Pyramid of the Moon

    6.- Pyramid of the Moon
    At 43 meters high, this pyramid is directly associated with the goddess of water, Chalchiuhticule. At the top of it, rituals and offerings were performed to honor it. This pyramid marked the limit with the Calzada de los Muertos, thus attributing greater symbolism to it.
  • 150

    The Tzacualli phase of Teotihuacán (1-150 AD)

    The Tzacualli phase of Teotihuacán (1-150 AD)
    The urban planning bases of the city are established around two axes. North-south axis constituted by the Calzada de los Muertos. East-west axis constituted by the course of the San Juan River. The pyramid of the Moon, pyramid of the Sun, began. The population was around 30,000 inhabitants and the surface of the city was 17 km². Teotihuacán was the largest city in central Mexico.
  • 250

    The Miccaotli phase (150 to 250 AD)

    The Miccaotli phase (150 to 250 AD)
    It means road of the Dead. During the Miccaotli phase, Teotihuacán became the largest city in central Mexico. The Citadel is built, to the south. It consists of a set of thirteen temples organized around a large plaza where the pyramid of the Feathered Serpent is located. The Pyramid of the Moon was enlarged twice. The Teotihuacan population reached 45,000 people. The surface of the city reached 22.5 km²
  • 250

    The Tlamimilolpa phase (250 AD)

    The Tlamimilolpa phase (250 AD)
    Teotihuacán consolidates itself with regional power and its influence extends throughout Mesoamerica. The Pyramid of the Moon was enlarged twice. The demographic expansion of Teotihuacán was carried out in an organized manner in housing complexes, the surface of the city contracted during this stage, until it reached 20 km², the population continued to increase and could reach 65,000 people.
  • 650

    The Xolalpan phase (450 to 650 AD)

    The Xolalpan phase (450 to 650 AD)
    Period of greatest heyday of the city. The city is organized in housing blocks that are separated by narrow alleys. It reaches 85,000 people and has established itself as the largest city in Mesoamerica, and one of the largest in the world. It had a sewage and drainage system that allowed wastewater to be evacuated from the city.
  • 650

    The Metepec phase (650AD)

    The Metepec phase (650AD)
    At that stage the city had up to 75,000 inhabitants,44 which represents a loss of almost 25% compared to the Xolalpan phase.
  • 850

    En la fase Oxtotípac (750-850AD)

    En la fase Oxtotípac (750-850AD)
    The population of the city is very drastically reduced as a reflection of a mass exodus of the occupants. the urban area was inhabited by 5000 people