Tema 1 y 2

  • 10,000 BCE


    Nomads, they lived by hunting animals and left remains as in Altamira. Little by little they became sedentary.
  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 1492

    Prehistoria - Reinos cristianos

  • 9000 BCE


    Agriculture leads to sedentarization. technological advances were based on the polishing of stone and the appearance of ceramics.
  • 5000 BCE


    the east and the south were the main nuclei. It is divided into 2 stages:
    Ancient Neolithic for cardial pottery
    Full Neolithic for painted pottery
  • 3000 BCE

    Edad del Bronce

    Iron appears, the most technologically advanced metal, while copper and bronze (copper and tin alloy) are softer than this.
  • 800 BCE

    Edad del hierro

    3 important events take place in this stage: The Kingdom of the Tartessians, the waves of the Indo-European peoples and the Phoenician, Greek and Carthaginian colonizations.
  • 96

    Hispania durante el alto imperio

    It is divided into Ulterior (north) and Citerior (south). The most Romanized provinces will be directed by the senate of Rome and the least advanced by the empire itself, as well as Luisitania and Tarraconense. The basic cells of organization were the cities. The society divided into classes which were based from the highest positions to the most disadvantaged. The trade was based on the maritime network and the economy was based mainly on the agricultural trilogy.
  • 264

    Primera Guerra Púnica

    War of Carthage against the Romans that expanded towards the Iberian Peninsula. They are gaining ground after a succession of wars in this territory until they take over the complete map of the Peninsula. After occupying all the land, the Romanization takes place, imparting their culture and others to the conquered peoples. Those from the north have a greater difficulty.
  • 409

    Origen del reino Visigodo

    After the fall of the Roman Empire due to the barbarous attacks in Rome, demographic shortages, currency deflation ... The Visigoths succeed. In addition, the Swabians, Vandals and Alans appear, who divide the Peninsula
  • 589

    Consolidación Monarquía Visigoda

    They are made with the vast majority of the Peninsula. The Visigoths are Arians and the Hispano-Romans, Catholics because of the religious unification of the Visigoth minority and the Hispanic-Roman majority
  • 711

    Caída Visigoda

    The Muslims arrive to the Peninsula, through North Africa, where they begin with the expansion of Islam and little by little they take over the Visigothic territory.
  • 850

    Reino de Castilla

    With the first count named Rodrigo he attacks the Muslim aceifas. Next, Diego Rodríguez Porcelos arrived and in 912 they reached the limits of the Duero River.
  • 929

    Califato de Córdoba

    Abderramán III proclaims himself Caliph, borders were submitted in Badajoz and Toledo, succession of the throne to Al-Hakam II
  • 1000

    Reino de Navarra

    It reached its apogee with Sancho III the Elder. He extended his power to Aragon and Castile.
  • 1031

    Reino de Taifas

    The Christian kingdoms advanced towards the south and forced them to pay guidelines, conquest of Toledo by Alfonso VI of Castile
  • 1054

    Expansión de los Reinos Cristianos

    The kingdoms of the north of Spain begin with the expansion towards the south and thus, counteracting the territory of Al-Andalus that begins to be in territorial crisis
  • 1164

    Consolidación del reino de Aragón

    The last kingdom in Aragon is created, which will be key in the conquest of Muslim territories
  • 1238

    El Reino de Granada

    The Nasrid used diplomacy and militarily supported Castile against other Christian or Muslim kingdoms
  • 1450

    Control territorial crstiano

    The Christian kingdoms occupy the great majority of the Peninsula and so on; from almost all of Spain. The last territories will be given little by little to the Cridtians
  • 1474

    Guerra Civil

    There was a civil war between Isabel la Católica and Beltraneja
  • 1492

    Entrega de Castilla

    Boabdil, the last monarch of Al-Andalus, handed over the city of Castile