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Telescope Timeline

  • Hans Lippershey

    Hans Lippershey
    Created the first telescope in 1608
  • galileo and his telescope

    galileo and his telescope
    Galileo created his fisrt telescope with 2 pieces of glass and a tube
  • galileo discovers jupiter

    galileo discovers jupiter
    Galileo began seriosly observing the plantes in 1609. In 1610 he discovered jupiter and its moons which he oringinaly thought they where 3 stars in a fixed position extreamly close to jupiter
  • Isaac Newton's reflecting telescope

    Isaac Newton's reflecting telescope
    Isaac Newton found a way to use mirrors in his telescope, which was more effective and is still used to this day.
  • William Hershal

    William Hershal
    William Hershal was the first to create his own mirrors which were made of metal, and discovered Uranus with his better telescope.
  • Mount Wilson Observatory

    Mount Wilson Observatory
    The Mount Wilson Obsevatory was once the highestest and largest reflector telescopoe in the world.
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    Sees the starts with an 100 inch telescope. Sees nedbula in more detail and focus
  • Cosmic Background Radiation

    Cosmic Background Radiation
    CBR was discovered
  • Penzius and Wilson

    Penzius and Wilson
    They discovered cosmic background radiation with their large machine
  • Kepler Telescope

    Kepler Telescope
    The Kepler telescope was created by NASA in order to fine other earth like planets. It has found a planet with similar conditions as eartha and is many lightyears away.