Telescope Advancements

  • Galileo's Telescope

    Galileo's Telescope
    Galileo created a telescope that brought the universe closer. Galileo discovers Jupiter.
  • Isaac Newton reflecting telescope

    Isaac Newton reflecting telescope
    Isaac created a telescope that had a clearer mirror and also got rid of any distortion of light.
  • 150 ft long telescope

    150 ft long telescope
    Johannes Hevelius developed a 150 ft long telescope thst was hung by ropes.
  • Sir William Hershel discovers Uranus

    Sir William Hershel discovers Uranus
    Sir William Hershel discovered Uranus with a hand made reflecting telescope.
  • John Draper produces first picture of the Moon

    John Draper produces first picture of the Moon
    John William Draper produced the first photograph of the moon.
  • Mt. Wilson

    Mt. Wilson
    An obsevertory was put on Mt. Wilson to see images closer. Saw Nebulae in a clearer detail.
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    Edwin Hubble used the Mt. Wilson Observertory to discover the red shift of galaxies.
  • Pluto Discovered

    Pluto Discovered
    In 1930 Clyde Tombaugh discovered the smallest planet Pluto soon to be classified as a dwarf planet.
  • Penzias and Wilson

    Penzias and Wilson
    In 1964 Penzias and Wilson made a telescope that measured radio and microwaves. They discovered Cosmic Background Radiation.
  • Hubble Space Telescope

    Hubble Space Telescope
    In 1990 the Hubble Space Telescope launched into space to take very clear pictures.
  • Kepler Telescope

    Kepler Telescope
    The Kepler Telescope launched to find Earth like planets.