Ted bundy

Ted Bundy

  • Born

    Born at a facility for unwed mothers
  • Childhood

    Looked at pornagraphic magazines. Believed that his grandparents are his parents and his mom is his mother.
  • First Assault

    First assault. Beat up a female dancer and left he with brain damage.
  • Killing

    Female student from oregon state
  • Double Kill

    Killed two female students
  • Double killing 2.0

    Killed two female students from Lake Shammashmash Univ.
  • Utah Murders

    In the Fall of 1974 he moved from washington to Utah for Law School. Changed his MO. Targeted younger females. Claimed he was a police officer and killed victims. Killed 3 in october. killed a 17 year old.
  • Colorado & Idaho Murders

    Between January and May of 1975 he abducted and killed 4 different females.
  • Two escapes

    Arressted for failing to stop for a police officer. Escaped from the library. He was caught again and held for 7 months but then escaped again.
  • Rampage

    He moved to Florida and started a rampage. killed 4 students. Killed a 12-year old girl. Caught a week later and confessed to 35 murders.
  • Executed

    Executed after losing several court appeals.