Theodore ted bundy

Ted Bundy

  • Ted Bundy Born

    Ted Bundy Born
  • First kill

    First kill
    killed 18 year old female dancer.
  • Second kill

    Attacked a girl from the University of Washington
  • 3rd kill

    Attacked 19 year old female student.
  • 4th kill

    Female student from Oregon State University.
  • 5th and 6th kill

    killed two young female students.
  • 7th and 8th kill

    Attacked two female students in the same day.
  • Period: to

    The utah murders

    Attended a law school and continued to kill young females but he failed twice at this.
  • Period: to

    The Colorado and Idaho murders

    He continued killing females, pretending that he had a leg injury and needed help.
  • Arrested 1st time

    Arrested 1st time
    He failed to stop for a police officer. He searched his car and found murder weapons and linked the car to the killings.
  • Jail time

    Sentenced to 15 years in prision.
  • Escaped

    ESCAPED from jail while waiting for his trial.
  • Florida

    Within 30 minutes attacked four females
  • Forida

    killed a 12 year old girl
  • Executed

    He was executed for his murders